Talk:Money Buys Happiness

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A Couple Bits i've heard/seen on this that i like:

  • When people say "Money Doesn't Buy Happiness" what they really mean is "Money has Diminishing Returns on how it can positively impact your sitation+mood" yet sometimes it is misunderstood to be "you should be happy you are poor"
    • I'm paraphrasing, i'll grab the link later but that was it's main point. Might have been a tumblr post maybe?
  • In the [Parasite (Film) | Movie "Parasite" ] they had this whole conversation on this. "Why are they so nice" "Money irons you out; if i was rich i would be nice too!" or something along those lines. GREAT movie too, would highly recommend.
  • I'm not a country fan for the most part, or at least recent country re This Video , but that one that goes "It can buy me a boat, it can buy a truck to pull it" and whatnot is GREAT and goes on this note

--Eric (talk) 23:34, 4 May 2024 (UTC)