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This bit is a really interesting rabbit hole. On one hand devouring multivitamins all the time and so on isn’t ‘’100%’’ needed (especially with Fortified Foods / Enriched Flour if you are eating all that, the more only locally grown whole foods on a homestead diet might be lacking in some bits. Funny sidenote due to the trend of Himalayan Rock Salt (aka Pakistani Rock Salt with Iron Impurities, neat and good but funny, also probably some jobs but I’m getting sidetracked) people were getting IODINE DEFICIENCY in 2024 due to not consuming enough Ionized Table Salt ; what’s next Rickets and Scurvy?!?. Luckily was a small minority of the population and all that but funny regardless.


I tend to go the route of if I’ve been eating salads, a good mix of fruits+veggies and whatnot (ie not just apples or strawberries but a real mix of stuff) I don’t get ‘’too’’ concerned about it all outside of the occasional multivitamin to make up for the odd stuff missed.

Nootropics or more Data Based Caffeine use (thinking custom Caffeine Pill with extended release profiles and whatnot) is neat as well. Also (Potentially, pending further research) Life Extending / Cell Senescence Slowing Drugs etc are neat.

There is this one guy, i can’t remember his name and he’s ‘’somewhat’’ morally dubious (Messy Breakup/Relationship involving cancer and all sorts of mess, granted ‘’could be’’ left in the past, but denied more than resolved and just sketchy, also the whole thing ‘’may’’ be a grift. I did some comments on the Open Budget Initiative asking for some transparency and maybe donating all profit to a foundation for longevity research / activism but…nothing. MAYBE it got lost in the torrential downpour of comments, but the guy is also a millionaire so ‘’maybe’’ not too progressive in that regard?

Either way while they were a bit obsessive and maybe too reliant on Biomarkers for aging and so on, and definitely doesn’t have the most accessible routine (oh just stay out of the sun and constantly reapply sunscreen + expensive skincare products, surely no jobs are ‘’uninterrupted grunt work IN the sun oof’’ )

Also Wastewater Surveillance had an application in tracking vitamin deficiency/overuse which was interesting. At large scale you could tell how wealthy a region was, but small scale testing could be useful for The Quantified Self maybe? PFAS Testing may almost be mandatory for long term use of Composted Human Biosolids in agriculture

Anywho that’s my thoughts on all this!