The Armchair Problem

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There are many institutes that study things, and propose some solutions. Such as IFTF with the UBA concept, United Nations Sustainable Dev Goals, etc, which have no explicit mechanism for economic implementation - ie- implementation in a way that is self-funding as an enterprise.

Enterprise - broadly speaking - because one aspect of any enterprise is that it must be self-supporting.

To add teeth to any doctrine or theory for saving the world, we must go from idea to execution. OSE is working on this. For example, by creating institutes that are do-tanks, not think tanks. How do you do? By creating some economic self-support mechanism.

One proposal could be dedicated institutes, land based, funded by Extreme Production. This concept is simplistic: a sugar daddy enterprise at high pay, that allows you to work freely on bigger picture, save-the world ideas.

This starts by defining the Scope fo Save-the-World Ideas, which are transformative and sublime in their nature, as in sublimation or transcendence of problems by creative solutions.

Then by recruiting individuals. We currently believe that transformative individuals need to be made, since there are simply too few of them that emerge from the system. That means, out of college, or dropout, or whatever way a person gets their education and street knowledge - this is not working because fundamental existential risks of destroying the environment or blowing up the planet continue to exist. Thus, we must make more highly evolved individuals. For this to be fair, this path must not be exclusive. Such as, a person can pay their way through this college, but must show enough savvy to fund themselves for the first year at $15k or the equivalent of a typical out-of-state tuition.

Thus, we create a world away from specialized-as-insects think tanks - and move on to save-the-world enterprise that for the first time can yield Universal Democracy across earth. The concept of 'think tank' here is defined broadly: any organization, institution, country, individual, or any unit of individual or political organization which has sound ideas generally following principles of liberal democracy, but is not capable of executing them.