Tractor Concept
Essential Concept:
- Hydraulic drive - for ease of power transmission and easy interchangeability of parts
- Bolt-together XYZ construction (like Gridbeam)
- Quick-connect wheel motors
- Quick-connect hydraulic valves
- Stackability of power units (feasibility proven)
- Tracks
- Quick-attach plate
- Interchangeability of power unit between Open Source Car, Truck, Microtractor, and Bulldozer
- Later retrofittability with Modern Steam Engine Power Unit
- Power units in units of 18 or 27 hp, off-shelf Briggs and Stratton for now
- Square tubing - 4x4x1/4"
- 5000 in lb hydraulic motors, 32 cu in
- Parts interchangeability between Microtractor and Bulldozer