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Attempting to build a OSE CircularKnitic v18.03 machine. Updating the design files along the way.



Nuts & Bolts



Stepper - PKP243D08A2 - Oriental Motor

Build Log

March 23, 2019

  • changed how the aluminum angle is mounted to the mountain
  • incrased the thickness of the p4 yard holder base
  • still trying to get the end of the groove to transition smoothly to pPspace


March 10, 2019

March 9, 2019

March 3, 2019

  • Noticed that the mountain shelf didnt seem to fit perfectly
    • measured cut plates from sculpteo, theyre measure at about 0.134inch / 3.40mm. A little bit thicker than 1/8" (0.125)inch.
    • i think this may have caused a little bit of the seperation under the mountain
    • by sandwiching the mountain wings i think this will make it more tolerant of imperfect measurements of plates


March 2, 2019

  • I had these motors for something else and decided to use them, but i think they might be overkill
    • Arduino Motor Shield seems to be overheating when connected to one, acting sporadically
    • Steppers are rated at 1.5amp per phase, Motor Shield rated at 2amp per channel, but no active cooling
    • As a stopgap solution i stacked 4 Motor Shields, and pointed a fan at the stack. (Sounds like competitive CPU Overclocking, but for motor sheilds, lol)
      • ran 1 phase off of each of the two bi-polar motors to its own motor shield
    • Seems to be able to run continously now
  • used paperclips for weighing down threads
    • bent a paperclip in half, creating a hook on each end
    • hang smaller side off of thread
    • connected two of the paperclips to an unaltered paperclp, then added about 4 more.
    • connected all of the bottom clips to a keychain ring
    • placed a plastic bowl in the center, filled a plastic bag with water, placed in bowl
  • While running, it seems that occasionally a loop will not come up to the top of the needle as it moves down
    • This causes the loop to prevent the latch from opening, then it seems to skip the next loop
    • Not sure if this is being caused by the loose fit of c2 and c3 (large c2gap), or that p4 needs to be adjusted
      • in turn if p4 needs to adjust i think the travel of the needle pushdown will also need to inscrease
    • Or perhaps more tension before feeder thread?
    • In the video below you can see a few places where the output looks pinched

February 28, 2019

  • Got steppers running
    • using the arduino motor driver, i dont think it can microstep so its a bit jerky it seems
    • probably could slow down a little
    • also noticing that the gap between the cut plates and the wall could be smaller
  • Casted on for the first time
    • did pretty good for a few rounds but started to miss a few needles
    • the thread bunched up on the yarn holders, i think more weight is needed to pull down
  • tried using a series of paperclips to attach weights. used a cordless drill as a weight
    • seemed to work, but diameter seems to shrink as it lowers, need to maintain width
    • will test different layouts


February 23, 2019

  • Got most of the mechanical parts assembled
  • Still need to build a weight and paperclip system to pull down
  • ended up using 1x1" square aluminum tubing for base support, seems pretty good
  • Need to figure out stepper driver setup
    • Using arduino and a sparkfun AutoDriver


February 19, 2019

  • Got parts in from 3Dhubs and Sculpteo. Everything looks good.
  • Should get bearings and bolts later this week.
  • Discovered an obvious bug with the current design.
    • Needle unable to slide easily into slots
    • Thankfully can twist into position on this print. Will use. But also tweak design for future prints.
    • Need to raise/trim the top of groove on p3, or cut into base a little bit


February 15, 2019

  • I mistakenly assumed 5x10x4 metric bearings (MR105) would be easy to find
    • I already ordered 3D prints so im married to this size for now
    • McMaster only carries expensive stainless version of this size
    • Some available on amazon but they all seem dodgy, will save for last resort
    • Will contact local bearing shop to see if they can order in
  • Went ahead and ordered from MiSUMi

February 10, 2019

  • Ordred 3D printed parts from
    • very little control over print settings
    • Possible that parts will have sizing issues without being able to measure between prints

Febraury 9, 2019

  • ordered laser cut parts from
    • Their maximum thickness available is 1/8" or ~3.175mm.
    • This is thinner than the original machine's 5mm and 6mm parts
    • Taking a chance and hoping this wont be a problem structurally

January 2019

  • tweaked variables so that laser cut parts will fit within 380mm width.
    • This seems to be an industry standard for smaller plastic stock sheets?

December 2018

  • Got design in working order, begin cleaning up issues/bugs

November 2018

  • Contacted Mar from CirularKnitic
  • Retstarted design work

May 27, 2018

  • going to make the outside diameter for p3 about 1,000mm so that it will fit within 4 feet.
  • The "Mountain" part didnt like being generated for a largr diameter machine. going to have to go back a tweak a couple things.
  • looking at polycarbonate prices, seems steel is almost the same price per volume.
    • will probably be easier to find a steel plate laser cutter machine shop
    • thinking im going to use steel where they used polycarbonate sheets.

May 22, 2018

  • getting close to finishing up variable formulas that need to be calculated based on needle dimensions
  • part3 "p3" rendering incorrectly.
    • diameter not expanding to accomidate more needles

May 1, 2018

April 2018

ordered some needles from this hong kong website

  • KH260 for Brother Knitting Machine Main Bed Needles 413426001
  • might try using 360 needles. sounds like a nice number to shoot for.