User talk:Justin Kurtz

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hey justin, i see youve made a couple comments on the wiki. when youre discussing the info on a page, please click the "Discussion" link on the tab near the top left of the page. when adding data about a subject go ahead and put it on the page itself. and thanks for the feedback! --Dorkmo (talk) 04:33, 24 September 2013 (CEST)

Community needs help!

Off Grid community in North Texas is in need of this technology. Looking to build a team to bring it to them. Also looking for new prospective members.

Discussion moved from /* Organization */

(note: moved this text from: Open_Source_Ecology)

You had tools? How does a homeless homesteader do this? Until I can take this to the homeless and teach one guy, who can then teach another etc. Start with NOTHING. I don't see it working to the scale you present in your vision.

You had a garage, and tools, and the torches, and hoists. I'm a cardiac patient in the woods, trying to utilize a slab I found, and recycled materials. Building a compressed earth maker from salvaged parts, teach men how to do that. Then they can truly be sustainable.

Would love to learn how you got where you are. Ask you a ton of questions. Invite you to help me build a home with my bare hands. Bucket list that before my pacemaker runs out so my son has a home he can live in when I'm gone.

When a guy like me can start with nothing and do it. Then you'll have the answer. Got to be for the guy who doesn't know where to start/turn but wants to do better. This needs to work for the recovering drug addict, the single mom. The orphan who just aged out of foster care and adds to the #1 reason for homelessness in America. This has to be for that guy to find an abandoned piece of dirt and make it his Legacy!

I'd love to help make that a reality!