Wire Stripper
Key Lesson
The OSE toolset for house wiring is Knipex 12-62-180, Klein 6-12, and Jokari Cable Stripper - in order from smallest to largest size. Note that the Knipex does interior and exterior insulation on Romex cable.
Romex is notorious for poor stripping at 10 ga - no stripper outside of 2 specific Knipex seem to work - see details at Wire Strippers. This means that you simply blow your time in house wiring or are using manual, not automatic, strippers. Note that the honored Irwin strippers (see below) do not work for 10 ga.
- TLDR: Get Knipex 12-62-180 [1]
Typical Wiring
- 6-750 MCM - [2]
- Irwin - this seems to be a winner [3] via YouTube video [4].
MJ Note - tool sucks. Lots of times it fails to strip 10 ga, not a production tool. 14 ga is perfect, 12 ga pretty good.
- 3 types of strippers - small is Irwin tool, next is a 6-12 ga, next is 4-4/0 (likely larger as well). Irwin tool strips the exterior Romex sheath - and the interior as well - important. Also check out the wire size-to-tool chart at [5].
- Slit and peel with razor - quite effective - but razor is dangerous. Advantage - gets you to peel a long distance quickly:
For Recycling
- Cordless drill driven, or dedicated - https://www.stripmeister.com/
- Cordless stripper - [6]