World Prosperity Institute

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July 6, 2022

This is a union of friendly countries, institutions, and individuals who host open source production capacity of all types of tools for peacekeeping, including military equipment, swarm construction equipment, swarm destruction equipment, distributed production capacity, distributed destruction capacity, and other tools that can protect a democratic country from fascist invasion, internal or external. Its membership consists of democratic forces, and is intended to prevent the spread of fascism/authoritarianism/non-freedom/forces of darkness along clearly cut lines. In case of ambiguity, we follow WATNA principles, thus inaction and further discovery. This organization collaborates with the military industrial complex to make it transparent and more accessible to parties in need, in a way that does not make such transparency dangerous in face of sabotage from the side of evil. Natural checks and balances include a focus on the creative aspects of all technologies, not their destructive ones. As such, this institution begins with opensourcing all productive capacity for the widespread transition to regenerative development of ecosystems, industrial systems, societies and their psychologies. This is just a creative approach to opening up of unlimited possibility - a world where any individual has a chance to attain their full potential with minimum foul play, and as little destruction as possible. The means are not getting rid of anyone, but offering chances for growth, and for anyone who is being attacked, protecting them. This may start with other sectors than pure military, such as by identifying evil in various institutions, and rooting evil out. For example, working with other dispossessed populations, such as freeing slaves, growing the oppressed, providing uplift to those without food or basic resources. But never by providing handouts, but by education, empowerment in various forms, or mental model shifting, or healing, etc.


World insitutions have failed to provide a timely resulution to the Ukraine War, which was intensified in 2022. An ethical mechanism is required to produce freedom and prosperity in Ukraine, to remove invading colonials. We start by asking - Are Ethics Relative? - or are there timeless and binding principles worth coercing non-compliers into? Or is coercion to be replaced with voluntary cooperation? In this game, it appears that coercion and voluntary activity must be reconciled.

One form of this could be a supranational body of participants, in civil and public society, who either vote directly or elect representatives - likely a mixture of both with a human-supervised algorithm. This works in conjunction with existing global and local institutions. It binds participation via a core set of operational principles, which are disciplined and require commitment. These are not vague, but prescriptive though flexible, amendable at any time based on the Constitution. Any forks are allowed, as opinions can be diverse.

The prioritized mechanism is negotiation of Mutually Assured Abundance, without splitting the difference, and only upon no solution is violence executed under conditions of certainty of such violence being minimized to achieve goals. The prerequisites here are integrity, transparency, and addressing historical facts.


There are hundreds if not thousands of organizations working on world peace such as [1] or a google search will give if you search 'world peace institute', but so far they have not succeeded in attaining peace. As the 2022 War in Ukraine shows. The missing part is open collaboration, starting with self-integration at the psychological level (Radical Man with One Dimensional Man as the opposite), and creation of the Open Source Economy on the political level. This must be done with stewardship of natural life support systems (nature). The open collaboration means collaborative design for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance. In practice, it means building productive economies - which like at no time in history - simply collaborate - as a reflection of their personal integration.

OSE's motion forward on this is via wiki, Forum, and OSE Campuses, as a distributed, decentralized method with clear governance - but based on the raw power of industrial productivity. Through the years of learning, it's still our belief that an open algorithm (governance) for widespread collaboration can be created, but this must have the hard backing of economic power. Namely - what we talk about must be what we do for a living. That economic power comes from open source industrial productivity on a small scale, which - if collaborative - affords the cultural and scientific progress to move humanity forward.

To cut to the chase - what is the new institution of world peace, as implied by Zelensky? Here we design the World Peace Institute.


  • Require ethical backing, in the form of a council of people with wisdom, a Council of Elders not spoiled by political agendas. It's for the goodness of all humans and the universe.
  • Openness to lifelong learning.
  • First, recruit a governance team, which commits to an annual meeting.
  • Public Forum, according to well-curated rules. Starting with RTFM on the position statement (whitepaper)
  • Collaborate with a startup crew to define the whitepaper
  • Join with others who are already doing good things.
  • Create rigorous screening for level of ethics, level of psycho-social integration, level of self-transcendance, etc - that guarantees a mission fit.
  • Make this one of the projects of an OSE Campus cohort. But not centralized - members in multiple campuses.


We must start with pursuit of what is generally regarded as sound. Like Marcuse said, Self-determination will be real to the extent to which the masses have been dissolved into individuals liberated from all propaganda, indoctrination, and manipulation, capable of knowing and comprehending the facts and of evaluating the alternatives.' This requires familiarity with perception (General Semantics) including formation of accurate mental models and paradigms. Individuals working for a better world must know most of the key mental models and paradigms that dictate the first principles of how the world works - across numerous disciplines. The good thing is - once one is familiar with mental models of a few disciplines - a dozen or so - one starts to see the patterns and commonalities to all of reality - just like scientists are searching for the 'ultimate truth' or 'the god particle'. At that point one opens up their third eye, plugs in to the universal computer - our divine self which otherwise remains asleep like in most people in society.

Thus we must start with general principles - those things that are generally regarded as true. Through lifelong learning, one can grasp most of them - until one reaches wisdom with age.

Communication and quest for a better world must be consistent with applying accurate perception (mental models), and knowing a lot of them - so that there is a common ground of knowledge upon which people can communicate and innovate upon - as Radical Men.

Distributed communication for making a better world must start with governance for how we communicate. Scalable communication involves tools like open forums (such as Discourse) or wikis. In order for this to be a self policing entity, I think we can do better than a $30M Wikipedia budget - a mechanism where a few full time staff (say 12, at more like $1-2M budget) run the governance. Governance must be:

  1. Transparent - people earn badges of skill. It is clear who has what skill. Thus it cannot be gamed, as badges require proof of skill.
  2. Accurate Mental Models - mechanism must exist for onboarding people - educating them. This means rapid learning instructionals on key elements of proper mental models, on collaboration, and personal + political transformation by learning the Art of Possibility. This is hard - requires lifelong learning - with end point being the status of a philosopher wise man. This leads to meritocracy that is documented via tests. The key here is to disseminate the top knowledge so it's accessible to everyone. This starts with having the time to study the mental models - which happens only when one's livelihood is guaranteed without excruciating toil.
  3. Testing - badges are obtained by skill, demonstrated through a test. One first learns from rapid learning instructionals, then gets a test. Tests are graded automatically via AI algorithms in order to be scalable. Naturally, all the algorithms must be open source, and the forums for discussion that are set up can develop these algorithms.
  4. Execution - ultimately, the OSE Campuses are places of living and working, where people get to practice the things that they document on the wiki and talk about in the forums. That is - there is a 'structural governance' of infrastructure built on the ground - which practices the principles we preach, which is an engine of sound livelihood and housekeeping (economics).

Thus, the governance is a badge system, backed by the necessity to cultivate correct mental models as the essence of the meritocracy. Roles on the forum, such as mediators or leaders, are defined - and badges for these are given. Thus, the skill set necessary to perform each role is cultivated, tested, and executed within that role. Termination and duration is built in - such that a person's badge reflects a year. Since the year determines the state of evolution of the knowhow and test - the time stamp on the certification is a transparent reflection of skill - not a legacy badge for ever after. Individuals can update their badges as they like. Other standard features of reputation, as on Discourse, may be used, but they must be vetted for freedom from being gamed.

Thus, the Forum becomes part of OSE's lifelong learning philosophy. Focus is on teaching and certifying - all members that join collaborate on creating new standards, tests, knowledge. In order to gain merit, individuals can get badges or get certified. This can also be in practical skills, which may be tested remotely by build performance documentation - or physical facilities of the OSE Campus or Open Source Microfactory amy be used as well as certification centers. Certification goes up to life skills, and 'job skills.' All towards a destributed governance, or 'world brain' that many have talked about, but which has never yet been executed in practice. As human capacity to implement algorithms improves - this world brain, based on sound governance, can move forward. Here we can select a Council of Elders to run this shit - instead of councils of The Best and the Brightest or of despots whose blood must periodically nurture the tree of liberty.


In all of the above, the OSE Campus serves as the center of execution - and in the future is expected to have many derivatives or adaptations. The current revenue model of $1.2M net as an action-tank funded by efficient production (of hardware) by a node of 24 lifelong learners. This serves as an opportunity ot execute on the art of possibility, as Marcuse says though not to overstate that open source efficiency ultimately leads to process automation - Complete automation in the realm of necessity would open the dimension of free time (in public or private)... This would be the historical transcendence toward a new civilization.

In practice, if this is open source and robust - it is scalable. Thus, we can consider a university where we train a village scale on the order of 200 such people every year. This combines to city- and state-scale opeartions, where global prosperity is an outcome.


New settlements, such as the OSE Campus, must run without violence. Vinay Gupta says it well -

In summary - we must go down in the supply chain to remove violence on poor people and the environment. Ie, modern standard of living, regeneratively. The OSE Campus can practice this - by using abundant resources and slave-free production to build modern society - using modern technology and unleashed collaboration.


To solve Pressing World Issues - the program must be

  1. Learn the issues. This starts with learning how to think, and learning how to cultivate accurate mental models. This is a lifelong journey.
  2. Collaborate. Once we know the issues, and as we learn the issues - we collaborate. By working openly and sharing the top-graded knowhow. We learn best practices and their execution. This gets us to the rubber hitting the road - by building the new civilization - it's infrastructure and institutions - across all areas.
  3. Build- Building things is the ultimate goal - it requires agency and innovation. This is where we create the new world based on the Art of Possibility.
  4. Distributed, Decentralized, Scalable - like a meme, accurate mental models can spread if they show tangible results of making lives better. For wide impact, knowhow generated must be open source. Rapid means of building must be available - such as Open Source Microfactories or Extreme Manufacturing or Swarm Builds. WIth this comes a new economy - the Open Source Economy.


  • Nature article on connection between insurgency and ecology [2]
  • Brave New War
  • New Lines Institute [3]