Alex Au Intro to OSE for Parents

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Here's the email I sent to my parents that explains OSE.


I am asking the founder of Open Source Ecology (OSE), Marcin, for references and more info. Here's groups of links so you can see OSE's documentation of its work over time.

Important 3m Video to Watch

5 Main Websites

See below for links to OSE's main bodies of work.

Websites Summary

What you'll see is: Open Source Ecology is a project to open source everything a society needs to create a modern standard of living. By open sourcing it, OSE plans to introduce "post-scarcity," a world where, because everybody knows how to make everything, that there is plentiful wealth for everyone.

You can see their ambitious timeline for what they hope to accomplish when here:

They are behind schedule of what they want to accomplish in terms of scale, but they're pretty close when it comes to product development.

So you're right, Open Source Ecology is run by 1 person, Marcin Jakubowski. His partner runs Open Building Institute, Catarina Mota. For whatever reason, they haven't hired people because they're trying to make everything free, so they don't really make that much money except through workshops, donations, and occasional grants. They do have advisors and teams of people, which you can see here:

As well as successfully funded kickstarters:

And the workshops they've run over the years, starting in 2014:

Here's videos of them building things over the years:

This is how OSE plans to make money by having the "OSE Fellows," the job I'm applying for, run these workshops:

Other links: