Apprenticeship 2024 Script

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Working Docs

  • Check.pngSteve's Distillation - May 28, 2024 - [1]
  • Check.pngFeb 2025 script - [2]
  • Connect GVCS 50 to it as core, and One in a Million for seamless development, MAU, Financial Independence. Perhaps a $100k Fellowship. Start priting money via real productivity, with democracy and prosperity institutions built in.
  • Week schedule, mid 2024 work - [3]
  • Thu May 30, 2024 Script
  • Financial models - differentiation of different SEH product - 24 person, 6 person, 240, mobile Microhouse and trailers; distributed QC package where we help you build your home. Picture per step: and questions allowed on builds for complete exhaustive docs.

Education Design

  • Each build is about learning. On the way to work - you study the build video and cheatsheets.
  • First week is Crash Course - a marketable Microhouse kit that can be sold. High quality, solar design with heat pump and lots of PV for heat/cool storage. Prep for your final exam - where you teach paying students yourself. Maybe design it such that one participant buys the house, but must commit more such as their family build for one week.
  • Make physical builds transparent in their aspect of informing sound design ability - without it, you design stuff that is just not as good. Create measurable pedagogy for this.
    • Swarm domes with rebar + 3D printing for large scale greenhouse or fab space. Includes FEA
  • Create specifications for RLF raid learning modules with CAD-BOM-Build-Enteeprise Method.
  • Teach solar steel, concrete, plastic, and ceramic. Solar brick is ok, too. Compare CEB to Solar Brick Production.
  • Incentivized site capitalization with 50/50 revenue share: proposal for capital production, then 50/50 revenue share of free lifetime use. Values T many thousands. Proposal shows econ analysis. Would need to be a team project, as anything grand takes energy.
  • For anything at $1000/day, we are at $125/hr. $200/hr with my should be min, gets you to $100k at 1 day work per week



  • Tool Belt Design - overall - and submodules for 20 trades.
  • 743 microskill lessons, at your own pace in the Rapid Learning Facility (RLF)
  • Integrated modules build (8): Quad Module, Shower Module, Kitchen Cabinets, Water Service, Power Center, Inverter Center, Heat Pump. Trellis.
  • Videos on the way traveling to work - specific day's modules, by room and role, 24 cheatsheets
  • FreeCAD workbenches for just about anything. Design Guide to FreeCAD Workbench to CAM.


  • Degree of General Engineer, aka Civilization Builder and Integrated Human, Steward of Earth's resources - and open source immortal.
    • $100/hr physical productivity means 16*100*50= $80k for 2 day work. Rest is your interests - define a proper protocol/contract.
    • Mentorship included - every grad takes on an apprentice. For an extra $40k of productivity via guiding apprentice to extreme productivity levels.
    • This is how the ultimate distribution package reifies - capturing full value of your work, dividends going to workers not speculators.
    • Allows for advancement to being a lazy bum - down to 1 day of work in regular times and to full FI upon retirement of any age, as early as 22 yo. At that age - it is FI with collaborative problemsolving contract.
  • Distinguish this from Civilization Architect
    • Capable of building Campus by 28 yo.
  • Summary: shoot for Extreme Manufacturing Level of 800 hours, 2 days per week - value created => one house, cost $20k land/legal + 60k materials. sale at $170k which is at or 30% below market Midwest, means $90k net, OSE still gets some revenue ($10k) but produces open Sector R&P (research and productization to mark the open source distributive lifestyle) with 60% effort going to R&P

Thu May 30, 2024 Script

Tue Apr 23, 2024 Cut 3

Wanna learn to build just about anything? Do you want to work on improving the world - full time for a living? We have a $100k work study apprenticeship opportunity that will enable to do just that

For the last 20 years, we've been running a civilization construction experiment. Now is your chance to learn all that we know - in a college-level program of 4 years. So if you are questioning whether college is worth it - you will be blown away by what's coming.

You learn to build homes, and when you are not building - you will be learning how to learn - which is the most fundamental skill but it is not taught in college. We also teach enterprise with a purpose - because wo are all about building a world that we would all like to live in. Thus, if you get a solid foundation in analyzing and solving problems - you're on your way to reclaiming your genius, finding your true calling. Welcome to the world open collaborative enterprise.

2 days of the week - we build. These are 9 hour days - in four 15 minute presentations. This is either in the field building real homes, or in our laboratory - the Rapid Learning Facility. 2 days - we learn how to learn. And on the 5th day - we study the Art of Possibility: learning surveys of all topics, and Knowledge Architectures for different sectors of civilization.

What is your career path? It's buying out at the bottom, doing what you love for a living, working on making technology both productive and humane - contributing to democracy. If you choose to work with us, we can hire as a full time open source philosopher, equipped with the toolset of enterprise creation.

Since our way is of lifelong learning, there is no glass ceiling. We are a school and living campus - you can continue in grad sch9ol, where you transition from Civilization Builder, to Civilization Designer in grad school. And In the year 8-12 post-doc equivalent, you grow into a Global Steward - an open collaborative ecologists, and integrated human.

Join the legion of open collaborative immortals.

Include important problems: lifetime design, democracy, renewable energy, technology that is both productive and humane


Mon Cut 2

Wanna learn to build just about anything? House 3D Printer Car tractor Drone greenhouse, Get a starting salary higher than I y league grads, and make a. Etter world for a living? We have a $100k work study apprenticeship that will enable to do just that - in 4 years or the equivalent of college time.

Red pill of mastering the worlds, or blue pill of existing in comfortable unnfreedom.

Make production both more efficient. And humane.

First 4 years you learn to build homes, learn how to learn, find yourself,learn design thinking, and work on reclaiming your genius. (Maybe include $100k Apprenticeship Opportunity)

What is your career path? It's buying out at the bottom, doing what you love for a living, working on making technology both productive and humane - contributing to democracy. If you choose to work with us, we can hire as a full time open source philosopher, equipped with the toolset of enterprise creation.

Since our way is of lifelong learning, there is no glass ceiling. We are a school and living campus - you can continue in grad sch9ol, where you transition from Civilization Builder, to Civilization Designer in grad school. And In the year 8-12 post-dic equivalent, you grow into a Global Steward - an open collaborative ecologists, and integrated human.

Join the legion of open collaborative immortals.

Include important problems: lifetime design, democracy, renewable energy, technology that is both productive and humane


  • $10+15+20+30 at 4th year of $75k
  • $15k from New Collaborative Product Dev - 4th yr ecollaborative enterprise project - incentives post-scarcity culture (collaborative enterprise level 6 leadership) and reality creation. Group is incentivized to agree on a topic, where the parameters is 'group project's
    • Best point of value capture is cost reduction of Seed EcoHome with 80% cost reduction and 40% to student and 40% to OSE. (50/50 share minus costs).
    • 1 month build or 2 weeks (at optimum or simply with the help of other cohorts)- means 20 homes per year, $18k savings per, $360k/24= exactly the 15 missing k

Freecad Designer

  • Write a proposal for $200k, evaluated for success (a new design extracted automatically) paretrized by layout, floors, landscaping, special features (PV, 100% energy storage). For Level 2 sequencing, consisting of rtk GPS automated grading from 3D scan into FreeCAD as the state of art tool, and 3D prints for 30% materials cost reduction)


  • SEH improvement to 100% renewable energy with advanced thermal battery.

Sun Cut 1

Finding work you love is very difficult. Most people fail - Paul Graham - Y Combinator. How to find it? Maybe start with genius.

What? Did you know that 98% of children at 2 years of age are creative geniuses, and by the time they become adults only 2% remain? This comes from a NASA study. So we ask ourselves, is it even possible to transform education so that anyone who chooses to do so can reclaim their genius - starting at the semi-adult age of 18?

That's exactly the experiment that we are starting. At 18 years of age, you now have a choice - to take the blue pill and remain in comfortable unfreedom - or take the red pill with a choice to work on solving pressing world issues for a living.

We are creating a 4 year program in which you learn to build civilization. Starting with a house. Then machines. Then villages. Then all of technology. Then all of the technosphere, which includes organizations and institutions such as education, governance, and monetary systems. Because if you change the underlying reality, you change the social systems that ride on top of it.

Our goal is to increase the level of intelligence in this world, by recovering genius, by training that genius to enterprise savvy, for mass creation of livelihoods based on self-determination - by creating an economy beyond artificial scarcity - by open, collaborative economic development. Open source collaborative - as the new operating system of earth.

This isn't easy. We start on the factory floor. We build things. We start with housing. The unique part is that we are creating an innovative business model that is not based on scarcity - as shown that we can make good revenue like this house that we sold (show Seed Eco-Home 4 - this comes out after the sale).

In our 4 year program, the unique value proposition is rapid learning through integrated multidisciplinary learning. We combine hands on, theory, and experience - and reify with economics of product releases that enlighten the marketplace. We work on eliminating waste - such as our house at 50% the construction cost of comparable housing - by radical efficiency, digital design, and modularity.

The basic 4 year program takes you through learning functional proficiency as an integrated builder capable of doing all the work in a production house that otherwise 20 different trades would do.

How is such rapid learning possible?

Through the Rapid Learning Facility - a one week crash course in a physical facility which quickly teaches hands on - the 743 distinct actions and techniques that go into building a complete house. These tasks are all broken down into the essential task-based skill - and thus all of these can be done in about 40 hours of time - while producing submodules for an actual build. By breaking tasks down into the smallest possible chunk - we can combine learning and production - for unprecedented efficiency. house - practiced in the most. Each microtask typically has only several key points of quality and performance - so that these can be learned in bitesize chunks. This is hands-on retrieval practice, a technique of pedagogy - which by combining reasoning and hands-on work - achieves rapid results. These results are measured - such that we can match performance to compensation. That's right - in our school you have an option for work-study.

Now that is the brute practical skills part. 2 days of the week - we do actual builds as part of work-study - with the competence-based pay starting from unskilled work. We get up to productivity immediately - with jigs on the factory floor.

The interesting part is the higher level civilization construction. 2 days of the week - we spend on learning how to learn. This is the survey course on logic, thinking, mental models, knowledge architectures, soft skills, leadership - across all sectors of society - for an integrated learning perspective where moral intelligence drives both mental and emotional intelligence. Our model is to change the world. But not by creating new technology. Our innovation lies in distributing the wealth that already exists. The first step is leveling the playing field, opening up enterprise to inspire the world beyond patents and trade secrets.