Architectures of Civilization

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Executive Summary

Architectures of Civilization 101 (Architectures 101) is a 4 year-long survey course and a core part of the entry level college-level curriculum of Build-Design as the first stage of OSE's higher learning. The levels of OSE learning are the Apprenticeship (first four years, college equivalent), the OSE Junior Apprenticeship (second four years, grad school equivalent), and the Senior Apprenticeship (third set of 4 years, doctoral level equivalent)

The general curriculum of OSE's 4 year college-level program includes Architectures of Civilization, Learning How to Learn (LtL), and Learning How to Be a Human (LtH). This is in addition to the Build-Design hands-on learning, the program's namesake. The 4 main areas (Build-Design, Architectures, LtL, LtH) are part of integrated, rapid-learning, practical education aimed at cultivating future stewards of the planet. Such stewards are intended to become pillars of a world of abundance, equal opportunity, democracy, and freedom on a more level playing field: a truly collaborative world in an inclusive post-scarcity economy.

Architectures 101 involves a survey of all critical human infrastructures and institutions. We explore the shortcomings and advantages of systems from around the world, with the intent to improve upon current designs and practices. Such improvements may be applied in the Build-Design apprenticeship within the scope of reinventing housing.

OSE offers up to a doctoral-level equivalent of education in reinventing civilization. The 101s are part of the first 4 years - the Build-Design Apprenticeship. The Build-Design Apprenticeship is comparable to a college experience, but with a stronger applied aspect, and a focus on collaboration, critical thinking, and character development. The second 4 years involve courses in the 201 numbers - all part of to the Civilization Design Apprenticeship. This may be compared to graduate-level study comparable to master's programs or professional schools. We intend to hire Civilization Design apprentices in running various architectures of existing OSE campuses - in both their research and application sides - or to start up new branch campuses in nearby locations. Courses in the 301 numbers are part of doctoral-level track, the Global Steward Apprenticeship. Global Stewards graduate as 24 person cohorts responsible for startup of a new campus, built in a new location from scratch.

Architectures 101 is a foundation for Architectures 201, which delves more deeply into the design and workings of architectures, with intent of implementing design-build of an experimental architecture with the collaboration of 2000 students over the course of the last semester of the 4th year. Graduation at the doctoral level involves a semester-long design project with their cohort of 24 senior apprentices. Upon graduation, the 24 cohort executes upon their design, with startup capitalization from OSE Global. At this point, Senior Apprentices shift to the status of OSE Global Stewards.