1000 Hour Curriculum

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Essential curriculum with work-study possibilities which leads an aspirant on a rigorous path to uncovering their potential. It is founded on Moral Intelligence applied to Solving Pressing World Issues, and is taught in a 4 year program. The program begins with Learning How to Learn, applying principles of General Semantics to effective, Collaborative Swarming and retention via techniques of Collaborative Time Binding.


The course is a survey, but it provides further study as deep as one wants to go, all the way to source information - defined as the first known record of some knowledge artifact. It is designed to overwhelm, thereby teaching one how to process information in a natural way by building hooks upon which additional knowledge can be hung. However, the end point is always active - such as an economically significant build of an artifact or other material object, such as organization, culture, or instititution. Thus, the active aspect does not refer only to physical artifacts, but social and organizational constructs such as institutions.

The approach builds from moral intelligence and applies it to meaningful pursuit based on a holistic perspective on reality. The process involves mental, physical, and spiritual exertion to build the character of a new civilization that has built upon the past. The information must thus be transparent open source and collaborative. While resulting intangible results that provide for a modern comfort of living in harmony with natural life support systems.

Each lesson can be understood by someone with a high school education.

The approach is integrated, meaning that each lesson starts with advanced knowledge based on simple principles, which are modules of prerequisite knowledge. Each lesson aims to be explained in simple terms for understanding, but advanced concepts are interjected. This is called multilevel learning: same lesson includes different complexity levels, where the student is taught to parse the knowledge as needed to get to the desired depth of understanding. Each lesson could thus be 1 hour or a lifetime of study. Each lesson goes through all the levels of Bloom's taxonomy [1] But also includes a firehose approach where students are expected to pursue a psychologically challenging (one needs humility) until a Breakout Point BP. The BP may either be breakthrough or pivot, and students are encourage to explore the concept of psychological endurance.

As such, this demands the highest level of humility to operate from ignorance as opposed to mastery - until mastery is gained. The remedy for the overload is a student-customized method for each student accessing understandable facts, and separating them from ones that cause overwhelm. We call this process extreme cognitive overload management. This is part of the mental rigor every subject our students go through. Successful management depends on building of humility, will, skill, and esteem in each student. Because there are physical, mental, and character aspects, we expect students to perform at whatever level that they can in each, of course intending to push their limits in any case through a commitment to discipline and excellence.

In creating the 1000 Hour Curriculum - for every lesson we ask: if one had time for only 1000 hours of learning in their entire life (after learning basic literacy, numeracy, and logic) - would this content belong in this 1000 hours of learning? This is indeed a strict requirement.

Advisory Board Potential Invitees

  • Steve, Colby, Catarina, Vinay, Balaji, Timothy

Is it Possible?

First, it is common knowledge that genius is made, not born. See more at Genius.

But how do we train someone to genius (10000 hours) in 4 years, but in an integrated genius sense like a DaVinci (not a genius in a narrow specialty)- but much more than a DaVinci because they are trained to be global stewards asking how to make a world that is more humane - and not just shining like a star? The key is intent and approach. We start with Moral Intelligence as a key intelligence that drives intelligence and emotional intelligence. We are heavy on purpose - meaning the purpose is to make a better world for everybody by the choice and discipline to get there. And, we provide design-build skills - based on Integrated Design, Integrated Education, Integrated Enterprise. Today we have computer assist, digital design, augmented reality, online access - information is in principle abundant though most high quality information practice is inaccessible (trade secrets and patents) or of low quality (Instructables, OSE wiki). To get past this, we must distill and integrate. And add Extreme Design, Extreme Learning, Robustification, and 100 of the tenets of OSE Specifications. And begin with a premise of each person gaining full Self-Determination, smashing the glass ceiling, becoming financially independent - and working under an assumption of We, not Me. The tools to use are Learning How to Learn, Modularity, Swarming for diverse immersion build experience, and learning the skills of enterprise to transfer ideas to reality. We put emphasis on extreme effort to produce high quality instructionals - with a Construction Set Approach - and learning to build things across all sectors through Lego-like construction sets. By learning rapidly and across whole areas, it becomes easier to learn other areas, until one can pick up new skill immediately. This person may thus attain first genius in 4 years, but from this point, they are able to perform at genius level in many other endeavors - such as getting their next genius area in about a year or so. This is all based on a mindset of lifelong learning, humility, self-esteem, deep desire for justice and freedom, etc - a mindset that must be taught because most parents do not impart this on their offspring.

Our approach is to take people ideally at 18 years old, younger if sufficiently mature - and not old enough to be corrupted by the interia of a typically mind-numbing workplace. And at this point teaching them that anything is possible. Our experiments aims to determine what percentage of the population has an interest in becoming great. The book Good to Great] claims that only a small percentage of the population chooses to be great, because it takes hard work and discipline. But the alternative is a comfortable unfreedom and the destruction that comes with it, as described in Critical Theory classics such as One Dimensional Man. Thus, the goal of any aspiring humanist would be to increase the percentage of greatness in the world. As such we set out a course of Mass Creation of Genius.

How to Learn the thousand hour curriculum

One can listen to the thousand lectures, each one of them, and drive value. Studying the actual material can involve many forms, in level s of increasing depth:

  1. thinking about the content
  2. writing about, journaling, or otherwise analyzing the content by putting it down to paper
  3. doing calculations or designs based on the content
  4. creating enterprise based on the content
  5. doing the exercises associated with each lesson
  6. using the rapid learning facility to practice the topic in a holistic way
  7. using an online design tool based on the content
  8. engaging in the CAD design based on the content
  9. reading background material in references presented in the lecture
  10. building something real
  11. swarming with others to implement content from the lecture
  12. developing open production engineering and publishing it four others to use

And many other ways.


The content is presented in class as lab, with multilevel, multimedia, immersion, presumption of uncovering genius, including:

  1. Presumption is that most people are genius as children, but lose it over time. This is about regenerating genius.
  2. Information - website, text, graphics, etc
  3. Construction Set - for any topic, a construction set is prepared where a student can build the thing they are learning about in 1 hour. This is an extreme case, as for example, how do you build a car in 1 hour?
  4. Digital fabrication and automation - digital fabrication tools and ecosystems are available, so a person can produce something readily.
  5. Design Guide is provided
  6. Design Software is provided - based on Design Guide. Software has a range of capacity fromanual to fully automated, based on as little as simple parameters provided.
  7. For more complex software, software is prepackaged, preloaded, prepared as a Linux distribution, turnkey for use. Such as AI tasks.
  8. All complex ecosystems are presented as construction sets.
  9. All construction sets have excellent internal interface design, and and are interoperable with other construction sets.
  10. Extreme Degeneracy -High level of Degeneracy is applied. For example our frames and structures may be implemented via Space Frames, such that the frames for the entire technosphere have a total unique part count of 1.
  11. Where degeneracy produces disadvantage, such as added build time - such disadvantage is sublimated by automation, additional ecosystem components, etc - that make up for the lack. Such as, Fab automation of space frames with CV AI industrial robots.
  12. Learning is a full time effort
  13. Campus.relies.on tech being developed for.its own infrastructure, starting with a basic core.
  14. Facility is solar powered, and is built with with local onsite resources bootstrapping strategically to full civilization infrastructure.
  15. Least parts and most generative tools are applied. Most generative materials are applied.
  16. Learning involves surviving, fueled by moral intelligence, reverting to thriving as problemsolver Elders.
  17. Basic schedule is designed as 4 years till Edge of Knowledge in the form of Genius recovery process, another 4 until genius practice, with a 4 year replication process to replication via regeneration of any territory, whether raw land or an existing human humansettlement
  18. Time binding - video instructional creation, productization, or other product creation records important data andakes it accessible for consumption by others. This means data collection, instructionals production, collaborative product design, OSE bank contribution, etc. generation of further learning capacity, and of organizational learning, is key. Broadcasting and video link is part of it, based on a programming curriculum where all other RLFs can benefit from the network.
  19. Bank - contributions are made into the OSE Bank algorithm, which involves on-demand, flexible, robust production capacity, backed by documentation of executive capacity for the value created. Money is made abundant, with the ultimate enforcer being tangible objects produced abundantly, with clear economic usufruct value. Studying this material provides know how and potential of certification related to Corning your own currency.
  20. All of the he above is housed in RLF bays. The bay capacity is such that reconfigurable components my be replicated to function readily in an economically productive capacity. For example, a new 3D printeray be built for producing a certain presold part, based on on-demand fabrication.
  21. Survey, interdisciplinary, Zachman Framework, integrated, holistic approach
  22. Each lesson can be the substance of an enterprise.fornany individual who masters the concept. Enterprise implies mastery of re-pavkaging something into a useful form for others to use.


Outside of producing Mutually Assured Abundance marked byintimg abundant money via Productive Transparency, the effect of true genius is to reset civilization to a benign course of collaboration an dunderstanding between cultures. Specifically, followers of evil regimes are provided a different option based on hope, which can dissolve the power base of the corrupt and totalitarian.


Learning How to Learn

  1. Genius
  2. Moral intelligence and self-determination. Hooks and mashup of elements for creativity. Reptilian brain. Neocortex evolution. Time Binding. General Semantics. Tools of learning: memory, reading, retention, creativity.
  3. Learning how to learn: integrated Multi-Level Learning: method of taking all topics at all levels of complexity at the same time, and learning how to filter for the relevant. The need for filtering: because the only perfect teacher is you.
  4. Understanding all of technology. Did you ever wonder how such 'geniuses' like Feynman or DaVinci get to master a range of technology topics that would normally take 10 lifetimes to master? They understand patterns, first principles thinking, numeracy, literacy, and applied physics, among others. The point is: once you learn enough patterns across disciplines, you'll notice that new patterns in new disciplines become much easier to grasp, to the point that one can learn in days what it would take a typical disciplinary thinker years to learn. In this lecture, you'll get a taste of how this is done across the areas of technology. Keys are breakdown into parts - key underlying mechanisms across all disciplines and related to one another, down to 'atoms' - and understanding what those '101 atoms' are that make up all of the technosphere.
  5. Agency - Learning How to Learn- how to create agency from passive to empowered active. Subtitle: transitioning from conspiracy theory to responsibility. This is about the mindset and psychological disposition requires to be an Absolute Creator. Exploration of psychological maturation and growth from "being oppressed by the system" to gaining authority - without becoming an oppressor nor victim. Agency: the Creator controls their Creation. Prerequisite is open abundance mindset, invincibility, resolve, and collaboration. My story: from being scared of the Man to 'running this ahit'. Agency Lab: empowerment transformation via building to elicit infinite power, pending readiness of individual. Individual must be prepared, and must opt in. This is the most important class in the world. Trouble today comes.from people without agency: bored, disemboweled, looking for meaning or immortality. The solution is regaining the spark of Agency. Phoenix rises from the ashes. This is where we "choose to be great" (there is a price) based on accepting possibility, and we can become.whatever we choose. This mindset can be taught as a sequel to the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. This solves extremism (left, right, religious) and replaced with Creation, or God as Homo Deus, without injecting Moral Intelligence into technoutopia, transforming fundamentalists and the mainstream alike. This is applied self help from Napoleon Hill onwards
  6. Collaboration -. Attaining universal connection an universal consciousness for we are all in it together to learn faster. Collaborative learning and time binding. Solving problems faster. Giving. Giving as self-interest. Constant learning as cure-all.
  7. Counting (Numeracy)- another take on first principle physics. Using calculators and computer aided engineering (CAE) packages. Orders of magnitude, linear vs nonlinear and hyperlinear. Significant digits. Calculating time and cost. Survey of Numeracy applied to all known phenomena, such as speeds, rates, reactions, temperatures, whether a phenomenon will occur, etc. Speeds: from diffusion to explosion to c, and all in between.
  8. Counting 2: Math, statistical analysis, spreadsheets, parametric design, algorithms, graphing data.
  9. Counting 3- Technology Economics. How to cost technology to optimize cost for purposes of creating appropriate technology and distributed market substitution., leading to leapfrogging and correction of the technosphere
  10. Visualization of data and complex information. Graphs and significant digits.
  11. First principle physics and Numeracy. Known phenomena. Atomic and nuclear structure, and subatomic part interactions. Macroscopic phenomena up to cosmic scale. Chemicals. Big bang. Energy, force, and time.
  12. Material Abundance - study of the relative scarcity and abundance of materials in Earth's crust, and readily accessible in space.
  13. World Statistics - population, resources, economies.
  14. Materials and their.properties
  15. how to make all known materials. Applied chemistry
  16. 5 Kingdoms
  17. Genetics
  18. 500 Technology Modules - all tech
  19. Psychology - character, positive psychology, hope, Reptilian brain, mental models, neuroplasticity.
  20. Running a Microcivilization - the necessary elements of a country or state
  21. The World: an interaction of civilizations and how they coordinate with one another
  22. History and Green History of the World
  23. Negotiation
  24. Money - creating proof of value backed by assets and not only belief. History of money, and the transparency of optimized production
  25. Heavy Machine Design Guide.
  26. Control and Control Logic. How are things controlled, from genetic expression to a tractor and world economies.
  27. Efficiency- workflow optimization, design optimization, integration of design
  28. Integrated learning
  29. integrated design
  30. integrated Enterprise
  31. enthalpy and embodied energy of materials
  32. graphical design
  33. musical composition
  34. computer aided engineering
  35. computer aided design
  36. Critical theory - how humans create comfortable unfreedom and the role of overspecialization, with the solution of Integrated Education, Design, and Enterprise. Myth of technology. Myth of doom.
  37. Critical and Divergent Thinking - Holding 2 opposites together - how do we engage in both divergent and critical thinking at the same time? General Semantics applied to driving ourselves sane. How.to perceive knowledge accurately, and the role of material security (and thus Reptilian brain). Baseline and how to lie with graphs. Understanding orders of magnitude of quantities and phenomena.
  38. Algorithms - all known processes and ways foranipulating information. Includes computer vision, artificial intelligence, automation, path optimization, object recognition, navigation, target detection, etc. Survey of common algorithms, and using them. Prerequisite for Computers (aka CS) and Automation/Robotics, artificial intelligence, self-operating machines, etc.
  39. Mechanisms - simple, complex, and compound mechanical (force, mass, gravity) devices and how all mechanical things work. Then expanding to other forms of energy (Electromagnetic mechanisms).
  40. Big Questions - Asking Them and Choosing to Work aaon Them . this is the 1000th lecture, and it is based on all the knowledge gained in the program. Getting to the Edge of Knowledge means that one begins to ask important questions. Asking big questions, as opposed to asking small questions, is a choice - one that has profound consequences for the future of humankind. When we say 'ask big questions' - we mean ask well-formed questions based on some insight to a possible solution. A question can be formed - 'if so and so...then so and so'. This accepts the way things are - and thus is based on the former 999 lessons, which are all about forming an accurate mental model of reality - and then asks how to do it differently - meaning creativity applied to solving pressing world issues. There are many unanswered question that can be proposed - and even a novice can ask big questions. The key to an effective big question is actually moving forward on an action plan to do something about it. This requires economic independence (base on the rigor of abundance economics), character (choice to be a steward of Earth), and then the hard work (grit, commitment, purpose) that allows one to make meaningful progress. There are countless big question- such as how can we create a State that does not use violence to govern; how do we create abundance; how do we improve resource use by 100x, etc. If these questions come from a good understanding of the issues involved, then they can be pursued effectively. The goal of the 1000 Hour Curriculum is to provide the survey of all the required understanding. As such, asking big qeustions becomes a liberating mindset, because it fills one with purpose as one goes about solutions - freeing civilization from much pettiness and strife - or at least busying civilization in constructive, as opposed to destructive, enterprise. We derive a Big Question Formula that helps us generate big questions readily. We also identify the blocks and prerequisites to asking big questions.
  41. Character. How to build character, integrity, grit, courage, hope, spirituality, self-esteem, honor, respect, curiosity, justice, emotional intelligence (getting uneasy when something is not right) and other virtues.

Learning How to Be a Human

See Learning How to Be a Human.

Infrastructures and Organizations

  1. How to govern soundly. Governance by design (structural governance). Governance of a country. Informed, consulted, and executed. Governance algorithms for transparency and automation. Abundance governance: rules of abundant money and Open sector enterprises. Private contract communities. Public, private, rival, and nonrival goods.
  2. New Work - mass unjobbing transition into Global Village communities, ending war and poverty. Subsumed agriculture, as ag is built in.
  3. Swarming - its logic and applications in basic rapi d build and beyond
  4. Swarm delivery and logistics -6 multimedia (land, air water, subter, subaqua, space )
  5. Extreme Design
  6. Distributed Market Substitution
  7. Technosphere evolution
  8. Swarm breeding in plants and animals
  9. Open asset creation - the creation of entrepreneurial yet public infrastructures for creating a new world
  10. The open asset bank - a currency system based on abundance, not scarcity
  11. hydrogen economy - energy storage addressed
  12. hydrogen home - The home powered by hydrogen generated on the side for 100% self-sufficiency
  13. Solar steel - hydrogen direct reduce steel and solar PV induction powered steel remounting for local steel production in every community
  14. Solar concrete - local solar powered concrete production without net carbon emissions
  15. biomass transition from fossil fuels
  16. Bioregional civilization design a new borders
  17. Space frames and robotic manufacturing from scrap steel as a basic infrastructure of any community
  18. charcoal combine - the new Rockefella distributing wealth
  19. The new campus - regen contract community for learning and world transformation. As a 1000-10000 person village.
  20. Freehouse - housing as a guaranteed basic asset.
  21. The solar micro factory - a reconfigurable stackable movable enterprise for 1-month scale trillion dollar productivity reconfiguration
  22. the aquaponic greenhouse - The five Kingdom minimal growing space
  23. open source everything store - micro factory and power cube construction set and appliance construction set
  24. The general store - on demand production on the size of Walmart with 100% local resources
  25. Edge of Knowledge paradigm. That every single individual should have an honest chance to go to the edge of all known and contribute to civilization. We lay out a path to do this developing moral intelligence, humility, and self esteem - in the fashion of expanding one's index of possibilities
  26. Morally Intelligent AI - programming an AI to foster good human relations
  27. Opem Sector Medical
  28. Open Sector Human Augmentation
  29. Hydrogen Homes - homes that produce their own fuel.


  1. Economic Technology - survey of technology with examination of basic processes involved and costs associated with each, from metal, mining, ag, space, semiconductors, chemical engineering, plastics, sensors, aerospace, communications, precision manufacturing, powders, medicine, imaging, basic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing,ceramics, and etc. Numeracy for attaching costs to the processes based onaterials,.process complexity, and energy requirements. Prerequisite: Physical Numeracy.
  2. The Open Source Rover - autonomous vehicles. OSE Rover.
  3. Compressors and pumps - down to cryo, for heating, cooling, pneumatics (motors and engines) gas separation, and Industrial Gas production for hot metal. Includes pressure vessels, 3D printed high pressure wound vessels, and hydraulic containers, storage cylinders.
  4. House Construction Set
  5. Structure Construction Set
  6. Metal and plastic 3 D Printer Construction Set
  7. Lasers, shielding gases, and induction heat, and cryopowdering, cryo liquid generation, etc.
  8. Processing- with heat, pressure (multimedia), EM, plasma, force, friction, nuclear particles, etc applied to food and all other materials,
  9. Food processing - canning, baking, freeze drying, etc. All known processes
  10. Semiconductor mfg - the materials
  11. Microprocessor Design and build
  12. Sensor Design and build - from force to EM, micro and macro, single to arrays, senders and receivers
  13. Computer Programming and algorithms, formulas, parametric design applied to mechanical, aero, space, EM design.
  14. Computer vision
  15. Automation and Logistics algorithms and programming. Integration with heavy machines. Ardupilot and ROS integration.
  16. Communications - across all EM spectrum, and other physical, chemical, other at all scales from subatomic to universal
  17. Biomass vs Oil - how to derive all chem from plants.
  18. Hand-teachable.robots
  19. Power Electronics Design - the Universal Power Supply
  20. Hot metal processing
  21. Precusion machining
  22. Lasers
  23. Electric motors - linear and rotary and gen. Injectors.
  24. Plastic synthesis
  25. Applied chemistry. 100 most important processes. Silioon, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, water, iron, nickel, chrome.
  26. Compression and expansion - HVAC, storage, pumping, all pumps types (multimedia)
  27. Machine Design
  28. Airflow.design - cars, airplanes, rockets, windmills
  29. Landscape Design
  30. Applied geology -Rock, concrete, and hardscape. Powders, hardscape.
