Audrey Log/April 2013
Tue Apr 30, 2013
(1) Take Team Culturing Survey and do the Recruiting Survey to begin generating a database. (2) Draft an invitation for a Design Sprint - May 10-11 (3) Download Ubuntu as a dual boot system. Follow directions from Gary - Gary_Log#Tuesday_April_16_2013 - download 12.04 LTS (Long Term Support). (4) Start emailing people to begin generating Database of Contributorials. (5) Do Matrix of roles for OSE Development Events - put it up at Creating OSE Jam Team Design. (6) Check out Dedicated Project Visit. (7) Scheduling software -Gantt_Chart_Template_for_OpenOffice_Calc. Check Osalt. (8) For 3D printing - begin printing 1/2" square tubing equivalent of 4x4" tubing with " holes every 4". Google Sketchup has a plugin for STL files - Sketchup Conversion to STL
Task Update:
- Continued working on the questionnaire in the morning, then met up with Gary and Elliot and spent the remaining day at FeF helping Gary in the shop. Lots of progress has been made since I first saw it--let the organizing begin!
- I opened the 3D printer and read through the instructions--realized I will likely need more than 1 hour--will return to FeF Thurs morning (2 May) to knock out this project.
- Made some additional notes wrt "How to Create a Google Survey" process and will update on Wed, 1 May.
- Rough outlined a Master Schedule, researched open source Gantt chart programs.
- Made some notes re: Dedicated Project Visit site--will discuss with Gary & Marcin and make some updates.
- Downloaded Ubuntu.
Mon Apr 29, 2013
Tasks - (1) Download Sketchup - follow the tutorial and build an actual cube - first See Sketchup Tutorial Box at OSHW-OSE-CNC_Torch_Table-v2. Please post your results at: Sketchup Cube Test. (2) Create a sample Control Panel for projects - Audrey Control Panel Sandbox. Put in a YouTube of your choice into the first window, while the changing the text and link to the corresponding value. Put in a Google spreadsheet of your choice into window 7. (3) Create a Google Drawing showing all the types of people that we are inviting to the Development Sprint. See the OSE Jam which talks about the people required. Put up your Graphic at OSE Jam Team Design. (4) Document how to build a Google Form at How to Create a Google Survey. Design a Google Form for Team Recruiting Form - specifically for 4th of July Campaign of the Sweet 6 - or 6 prototypes designed and built by July. Planning for an agile Sprint - which a Hackathon where everyone works together on a common goal. Put up your resulting Google Form up at the Control Panel for the Microtrac page - OSHW-OSE-Microtractor-v2. Include Documenters as one of the particular groups involved to fill in OSE OManual Documentation realtime. Put up your sample survey design at Tech Team Culturing Survey. See also the LifeTrac Construction Set Script.
Task Update:
- Completed Sketchup download, tutorials, and test. Posted notes, lessons learned and product at Sketchup Cube Test.
- Completed draft documentation on how to build a Google Form at How to Create a Google Survey. Will finalize once survey is complete.
- Began creation of Google Form for a Team Recruiting Survey. Reviewed past surveys, drafted questions. Among other things, requesting information about involvement in social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).
- Began reviewing requirements for Jam Team--need more guidance: purpose, what type of tool is this (pictorial, informational, etc); drafted personnel requirements/expertise overview--product designers, mechanical engineers, documenters, CAD designer, animator, digital/flexible fabricator, other?