Seed Eco-Home Design Workbench
(Redirected from FreeCAD Seed Eco-Home Designer)
Original Work - Specification, Module Breakdown, Requirements
- See Work Doc - [1] from SH4 Build Instructions Complete doc to Part 4.
Design workbench in FreeCAD that allows for ready creation of modified versions of the Seed Eco-Home. Intended for builders, contractors, architects, and other critters. The simple breakdown is as follows:
- Foundation: - foundation form plan and staking, footer, rebar pattern, etc for any specific footprint of the Seed Eco-Home. Includes rough plumbing design. Outputs a set of technical drawings with annotations regarding sequence for stringing, squaring, and other important notes.
- Sill Plate: - generates technical drawings for the sill plate including anchor spacing and specification.
- 1st Floor Framing: - generates the framing, sheathing, and apertures for the first floor wall modules and garage modules. Generates one technical drawing for each module. Considers the 1300 sf version symmetry 2' filler modules)
- Top Plate
- First Floor Ceiling Platform + subfloor
- 2nd Story Framing - including exterior penetrations
- 2nd floor top plate
- 2nd Floor Ceiling platform
- Roof assembly -tapers, insulation box, sheathing, EPDM
- PV - pv runners, gravel, gravel lock, PV mounts, PV panels
- Electrical - adds all electrical boxes based on wall location and code compliance, allowing for the side-to-side shifting of boxes as needed.
- Wiring - adds all wires based on design rules, optimizing routing
- Canopy, Deck, Landing designer
- Vinyl siding Designer
- Window Designer
- Trim Designer - exterior
- Door Designer
- Beadboard designer
- Beadboard ceiling designer - garage and 2nd floor
- Interior trim designer
- Gutter Designer
- Garage door Designer - physical door, door opener system, and wiring.
- Floor plan generator - build on different permutations at Seed_Eco-Home_Designer_2021
- Elevations generator
- Rendering automation
- Site plan generator
- 3D elevation model generator - via aerial or terrestrial drone surveying
- Engineering drawings generator - for engineering package
- Detail generator - for the multitude of standard architecture details according to a best-in-class cross-section algorith
- Plumbing generator
- Water system generator - fittings, mounts, PEX and integration with framing
- Heat pump design generator - allows for different sizes, different tubing and fitting locations, orientation within building. Allows to insert heat pump onto a framing/siding/interior sheathing model.
- Power Center Generator - inverter and all other detail based on utility code considerations, location, framing, interior sheathing, and exterior skin.
- Kitchen cabinets generator - multiple cabinets, should break this down further
- Flooring generator - down to start/end point, tongue and groove detail
- Bathroom cabinet generator - for custom cabinets
- Hardscape generator - integrated with the 3D elevation model generator for designing the driveway and retaining walls
- 3D printing file generator - automated STL generator for individual parts from entire assemblies, including breakdown of larger parts into multiple pieces and for purposes of rebar-reinforced plastic as part of Metal-Plastic Composites
- Rebar truss designer - any size, weight truss using extensive and intensive truss scalability with 1/2" rebar. See Large Workshop Structure
- Aquaponic greenhouse designer - based on hundreds of pages of documentation at Aquaponic Greenhouse
Work Specification
- Foundation Designer Specification - Foundation Start Point Specification, Foundation Output Specification, Foundation Printout Specification.
- Sill Plate Designer Specification - input is Foundation Design according to foundation output specification
Phase 2
- Mission planning for automated bulldozer - integrated of FreeCAD elevation model generator, ROS, and Ardupilot Rover, based on Beagle Bone AI
- Mission planner for trenching water, sewer, and power lines based on GPS-located house data to cm accuracy via RTK GPS. See FreeCAD RTX Integration