Husam TAZ Testing

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help with slic3r?

Ps:i had to zip it since it wouldn't allow me to upload the actual gcode file since it was very large.

what is the problem with slice3r?

stl file look like:File:Tube stl file.stl Tube stl image .jpg

here is what the slic3r look like Slic3r image .jpg??

what's wrong?

PS: I already used a program "netfabb" to fix my stl file, prior to that slic3r was giving me a very weird shape.

  1. Listen to Marcin's lesson on TAZ usage.
  2. Download Bed Leveling Gcode and test machine 1 time.
  3. Create 1/2"x4"x4" tubing that is 4" long in Sketchup. Make sure to generate a file where print will be vertical (meaning the tube grows vertically, not horizontally)
  4. Upload file to First GVCS Prototype 3D Print
  5. Generate STL file.
  6. Upload file to First GVCS Prototype 3D Print
  7. Generate gcode file.
  8. Upload file to First GVCS Prototype 3D Print
  9. Create thumbnails for Sketchup, for STL file, and upload them to First GVCS Prototype 3D Print
  10. Open gcode in Pronterface
  11. Print!
  12. Take a picture and upload to First GVCS Prototype 3D Print to document this. When you have done it, please get me.