Inkscape is an open source drawing tool for creating and editing SVG graphics. More than just a text vector editor, Inkscape provides a WYSIWYG interface for manipulation of vector images, allowing the artist to express himself freely. While other free and proprietary software with similar capabilities exists, Inkscape provides an interface to directly manipulate the underlying SVG code. This allows one to be certain that the code complies to W3C standards. Since the beginning of its development, the Inkscape project has been very active, providing stability for the current software and the capacity for future growth.
FLOSS Manuals has a manual for Inkscape -
Symbols Library
Inkscapes naturally has symbols libraries, such as this, allowing ready drag-and-drop into a working document:
This allows for mass collaborative workflows using OSE Linux. As of 2020, libraries useful for documenting other projects would be useful here. Some workflows for large-scale collaborative design could be:
- Generating Inkscape icon libraries, and contributing them to the world as public libraries, which are also accessible in OSE Linux
- Icon libraries include Open Source Technology Pattern Language icons that are useful in visual representations of product ecosystems
- Icons libraries are used in generating infographics. Specific infographic icon libraries can be created for easy generation of infographics. These Infographics Libraries can also be specific to particular areas, such as Site Design Icon Library, or Product Ecology library. Essentially - graphics designers can create easy-to use icon sets that allow average users to up their game in the creation of infographics. Example - up your game in optics diagrams - [1]
To Create an Icons Symbol Library
Basic Workflow
Covers navigation, and Hatch Fill Patterns.
Sample File
Example of Creating Architecture Marketing Materials
Convert Photo to 3D Shape
- Trace bitmap with bezier curves - [2]
- Import SVG to Blender
- Extrude in Blender for a 3D feature.
Scale Extension
- Draws a scale on a map or object - by you inputting a known distance on the image - [3]
Technical Drawing Templates
Hatch Fill Patterns
Plug-in extensions
Inkscape supports extensions and many have been created.
Installing Extensions in Ubuntu
The default extensions folder appears to be: /usr/share/inkscape/extensions
Copy the relevant files to that folder and recompile.
Tutorials on Inskscape-based CAM
- Gcode from Inkscape - [6]
Available CAM Packages
Axidraw Inkscape extensions for 2D plotting - [7]
Gcodeplot - Using_Inkscape_to_Generate_Gcode
Gcodetools - for CNC_Torch_Table_Control_Overview#G-code_prep
Inkscape Gear + Sprocket Design
OSE Lessons
- Inkscape Lesson 1 - Using Inkscape to Generate Gcode
- Inkscape Lesson 2 - Making Icons
- 10 tips for better diagrams in Inkscape - [8]
- SVG Icon Libraries