Liquid Packaging Board
(Redirected from LPB)
- Essentially a Composite Material ( Sandwich Panel almost? ) made of Cardboard and Metallised Plastic Film
- A VERY useful material that may be common enough worldwide to be considered Stanscrap due to it's use in Packaging
- Need to find the name for the non-Cardboard version
- It IS NOT Metalized Plastic Film , but rather "Laminated Foil"
- No common wikipedia page (yet...again i need to make an account) but these related ones:
- The page by "Capri Sun" on their material Essentially " Polyester - Aluminium Foil - Polyethelyne "
- Joining/Sewing Methods (Should Be Roughly Similar for Both_
- A Video by the Youtube Channel "Crafty Amy" Titled "DIY Caprisun Lunch Tote"
- A Video by the Youtube Channel "LOLtapir" Titled "Capri Sun lunch bag TUTORIAL || craft sew DIY" (marked as "Content for Kids" and thus no commenting or adding to playlists, so not good in that aspect)
- An instructable on thermal welding of capri sun pouches (not done with temp control?, do it to the precise melt temp of polyester etc and get less burning?
- Also could make a proper toolhead + jig (thermal welding + ultrasonic welding are already on some page somewhere)\
- Sew for mechanical, thermal for seal + minor mechanical
Processing Methods
- Initial cleaning is most likely required
- If originally storing nearly anything from water, before other uses the insides should be at least moderately cleaned
- Same process as cleaning anything really
De-Inking / Label Removal
- De-Inking and removal of Wax Liners etc is somewhat easy
- Adhesive / Label Removal may be more complex
- Removal of metal, if desired can be done with acid, once the metal layer is exposed
- To turn the material from a box into a sheet/sheets,
- Only useful as a later part of a Product Life Cycle
- Shredder