Legal Skills

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Sep 20, 2024

Sep 19, 2024

Aug 9, 2024

Aug 3, 2024

Jul 30, 2024

Tue Jul 23, 2024

Legal Consulting

Mon Jul 22, 2024

Frivolous Lawsuits. Sanctions. Expert Witnesses.

Sat Jul 20, 2024

Counterclaims. 3 hr.

Fri Jul 19, 2024

Citizen's Advice Bureau - in New Zealand.

Thu Jul 16, 2024

List of Motions

Fri Jul 12, 2024

Thu Jul 11, 2024

Jul 9, 2024

How to Ask for an Extension of Time

Jul 8, 2024

  • How to Defend and Object - FRCP 12
  • How to Plead - FRCP 8
  • Fail to state a claim - failed to present sufficient facts.
  • Waiver - voluntarily giving up a right
  • Laches - delay from lack of diligence that causes prejudice
  • Estoppel - doctrine that prevents arguing something that contradicts what they said previously
  • Unclean hands - can't seek relief if you have been naughty (violated good faith or acted unconscionably)

Jul 7, 2024

Jul 3, 2024

  • Preponderance vs clear and convincing vs beyond reasonable doubt [1]
  • Impeachment - [2]
  • How to convert out of court statements into written statements into Admissible testimony/evidence?
  • Missouri Civil Court Rules
  • What are the rules of prayer? Ie, what can you ask for? Is the doctrine influenced by situation and people involved or is prayer awarded only on legal doctrine an legal precedent?
  • How does a civil lawsuit work?
  • How does deposition work?
  • How does the witness stand work?
  • How does cross examination work?
  • How do the rules of evidence work?
  • How do objections work?
  • The way to go is pay-as-you-go legal consultant. This comes with a contract. If hiring an attorney, always use notice and conssent of limited representation. The concept is - either you run the show, or the attorney runs the show. Each has its flavors.
  • For dishonorable clients - once you catch them on a couple of lies - they are liars. Strategy: anticipate they lie they tell, and figure out what I need to show to expose lie.
  • How to introduce witnesses at deposition or trial
  • How and when to address the judge. All info directed at judge, not opponent
  • How to depose - how to invite someone to deposition and how to negotiate them to come if they are not willing
  • How to serve somebody. How to find their address etc.
  • How to produce or negotiate documents from a government agency
  • Changing Attorneys
  • Deposition Costs
  • RJI stands for request for judicial intervention and assigns the case to a judge.
  • Legal costs are recoverable, but not attorneys' fees. [3]