OSE Materials Science Needs
The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) includes the areas of Agriculture, Housing, Energy, Production, and Materials. On the materials front - this is how some of the GVCS tools are involved:
We are looking for people to develop or manage the Aluminum Extractor from clays, Bioplastic Extruder, and Induction Furnace for hot Metal Rolling and processing. The technology in these areas involves material science, controls, automation, mechatronics, and power electronics.
We can offer student internships, Dedicated Project Visits, and paid work. Details depend on the skill sets, experience, resources, and resourcefulness of the candidate. We prefer to work with the interested party on securing funding via partnerships, pilot projects, grants, or other investments.
Collaboration can be remote, on-site, or in the form of OSE Jams. On site, candidates will be working with our Product Lead and Technical Community Manager to move the project forward.
If you would like to be involved, you may also contact Catarina Mota, another open source materials advocate. Please sign up to our database by filling out this form so that we can let you know when we will be holding design jams and working sessions on open materials or other hardware topics.