Video Gallery
There are tens of thousands of pictures in OSE photo albums. It is useful to create a Gallery here for visual identification.
Pictures and videos are useful for generating graphics assets, videos, and other communications. With access to these assets - it takes a screenwriter and editor to produce videos. This can happen voluntarily, and we welcome people to do this. For example, the GVCS in 2 Minutes - an early but excellent professional production - was done completely independently by downloading our assets from the web, YouTube, and Vimeo. Or, Reversing the Mississipi included footage downloaded independently from our repositories including OSE YouTube
Sinks Finish Plumbing - [1]
Photo Shoot - [2]
Washer shelves - [3]
OSE Apprenticeship - [4]
SH4 washer. - [5]
SH4 bifold doors. - [6]
SH4 closet shelves. - [7]
SH4 banister. - [8]
SH4 Garage Door. - [9]
SH5 - [10]
SH4 Stove Hood Vent - [11]
SH4 Dishwasher - [12]
SH4 On-Demand Water Heater - [13]
SH4 Water Heater - [14]
SH4 Induction Cooktop - [15]
SH4 Oven - [16]
Global Transformation - [17]
Kitchen Cabinets - [18]
Curriculum design - [19]
Light Boxes - [20]
SH4 Tub Drain - [21]
SH4 Vinyl Siding. [22]
PV connectors. [23]
Open Source Boat. [24]
SH4 Beadboard + Trim. [25]
SH4 Apertures & penetrations. [26]
SH4 Electrical. [27]
SH4 Doors. [28]
SH4 Water. [29]
SH4 Retaining Wall, Skirt, Driveway, Finish Earthworks. [30]
SH4 Garage Interior + Power Wall. [31]
SH4 Garage Exterior. [32]
SH4 power wall. [33]
SH4 Electrical Grid Hookup. [34]
SH4 sewer. [35]
SH4 water meter. [36]
SH2 shower build. [37]
SH4 door trim painting [38]
SH4 Water, Sewer, Power Hookup [39]
Surveys. [40]
Seed Eco-Home 5. [41]
Bicycling. [42]
SH4 Trim. [43]
Universal rotor. [44]
Microhouse 1 trenching. [45]
SH4 Joists. [46]
SH4 Wire Lengths. [47]
SH4 Plumbing. [48]
Window and door trim assemblies. [49]
SH4 Canopy. [50]
Power Ladder. [51]
SH1 heat pump. [52].
SH1 heat pump. [53].
SH1 heat pump. [54].
SH4 Trellis. [55].
SH4 Roof. Includes drip cap, EPDM, insulation, termination bar, and PV mount. [58]
SH4 PV. [59]
Heat pump Seed Eco-Home 2 install. [60]
Rosebud 2000 SF Savannah 2022. [61]
Rosebud 1300 SF Maysville 2022. AKA Seed Eco-Home 4. [62]
Seed Eco-Home 2 HVAC. [63]
Seed Eco-Home 2 Electrical. [64]
Bath Vent Fan. [65]
Leaks - [66]
Distributed urban gardening - [67]
Seed Eco-Home 2 plumbing system - [68]
Seed Eco-Home 2 water system - [69]
FeF water systems - [70]
CEB floor, Seed Eco-Home - folder - [71]
Land Log folder - [72]
- Rebartrusses.jpg
Rebar Trusses, Google Photos - [73]
CEB 2009-2010. Google Photos - [74]]
CEB 2009-2010. Google Photos - [77]
2010 Compressive Strength Testing. Source -[78]
FSCons presentation, 2009. Source - [79]
Humanity+ Presentation, 2008. Source - [80]
Pre-GVCS Icons, 2009. Source - [81]
The Early Days. Source - [82]
Seed Eco-Home 2
- Parts for construction, building on standard, off-the-shelf parts -
Large Index
- Seed Eco-Home 2 Build Start (SEH 2) [86]
- LifeTrac - [87]
- Microhouse 4 [88]
- Universal Axis [89]
- General Electrical [90]
- SEH2 window and door detail - [91]
- Seed Eco-Home 2 - [96]
- Crazy Machines Sequence - [97]
- Useful Variety pictures and videos - [98]
- Quality videos - [99]
- OBI Modules [100]
- OBI Infographic - [101]
- OBI How We Build - [102]
- OBI Part Library + Pictures [103]
- Reversing the Mississippi - [104]
- Team Pictures
- Rapid-fire stills explaining process - OBI Lightning Fast Instructionals
- How MicroHouse 1 and additions evolved over time - Microhouse 1 Sequence ]
- Instructionals series for the Seed Eco-Home modules- [105]
- Machines and Build Collection - OBI Kickstarter Source - [106]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse - 1911 pictures - [107]
- Summer X Collaborative Video Edit - Collaborative_Summer_X_Edit
- House Interior Pictures - Microhouse (up to 2015)- [108]
- House Evolution Sequence [109]
- Home Asembly Sequence [110]
- Home Expansion Sequence based on Seed Eco-Home 1 - [111]
- House Modules Pix Sequence [112]
- House Modules Library [113]
- Tan 3D printer - Saudi - [114]
- Pelletizer - [115]
- Living Building Values - [116]
- Biodigester - [117]
- Fruits [120]
- FEF NVDI - [121]
- 6 Foot Printer - [122]
- Madison Ag 2005 [123]
- Ag 2008 [124]
- Nursery 2007 [125]
- Oekonux 2009 - [126]
- Madison presentation 2004 [127]
- 2009 [128]
- Second Half of 2008 [129]
- First half of 2008 [130]
- Osborn to early Maysville [131]
- Osborn 2006 [132]
- Osborn Hydroponics + Honey + Gasifer + Lister + Humblehut 2005 [133]
- Utah to Osborn + Veg Oil 2005 [134]
- Sawmill Aug 2007 [135]
- Roof Finishin Dec 2007 [136]
- Well Drilling Aug 2007 [137]
- Ronny Cordwood Piglet Nov 2007 [138]
- Aug 2007 Nursery [139]
- Oct 2007 [140]
- Sep 2007 [141]
- August 2007 [142]
- Spring 2007 [143]
- Winter 2007 [144]
- Feb 2007 [145]
- Winter 2006 [146]
- Berming 2006 - [147]
- Earthbag Hut 2006 - [148]
- 2006-2008 - 2006 moving onto land - [149]
- MJ Photos 2014 [150]
- Lifetrac Walkthrough 2009 [151]
- LifeTrac 2 2010 [152]
- Hydraraptor 2009 [153]
- Hexacube 2009 [154]
- FSCONS and Catchall 2009 - [155]
- Fruit Propagation Workshop 2009 [156]
- Tractor Clips 2009 [157]
- FeL 6 Personal Fabrication Clips 2009 - [158]
- CEB clips 2009 [159]
- Factor e Live Distillations 2009 [160]
- Factor e Live 11 2008 - [161]
- Desktop 2009 - [162]
- 2008 Picture Dump [163]
- Blog 2008 [164]
- Universal Rotor Build 2009 [165]
- 1000 Squared 2009 [166]
- Torch Table Build 1 2009 [167]
- Post Scarcity Village [168]
- Soil Pulverizer with Bucket [169]
- STEAM Meet SACA 2009 [170]
- Inga's Commitments Video 2009 [171]
- Lawrence Commitments Video [172]
- CEB Prototype 2 2009 [173]
- Torch Table with Lawrence 2009 [174]
- Eagle Has Landed 2009 [175]
- Austria TV Interview 2009 [176]
- Bale Spike 2009 [177]
- Soil Pulverizer 2009 [178]
- Hexayurt - [179]
- Tornado Warning 2009 [180]
- July 1 Walkthrough 2009 [181]
- Microtrac 1 2009 [182]
- Power Cube 1 2009 [183]
- Biodiesel 2009 [184]
- Solar Panels 2008 [185]
- Historical First Workshop [186]
- Tractor Development 2008 - [187]
- Construction and Machines to 2013 [188]
- Trencher from Mike - [189]
- Microhouse 1 Build Video [190]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse 1 Build Photos [191]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse 1 Photos [192]
- Microhouse 4 Photo Shoot - [193]
- Summer X 2021 Promo [194]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Swipes [195]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - 3D Printer Printing [196]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - John Cheek [197]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Time Lapse [198]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Stills [199]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - Slow Motion [200]
- 2019 STEAM Camp - 3DP Instructionals [201]
- Belize CEB Microhouse Build [202]
- 3DP 2017 [203]
- Microtrac Workshop [204]
- SEH Hydronic Stove [205]
- SEH PV System Video [206]
- Punctureless Tires [207]
- 2018 D3D Build with Prusa Extruder [208]
- TED Talk + Slides - [209]
- SEH Hydronic Stove Build - [210]
- Startup Camp Images [211]
- Pro and Universal Photo Shoot [212]
- Pictures from Summer X 2020 - [213]
- Images from OBI website [214]
- Construction Pictures - [215]
- Timelapses - [216]
- 2017 3D Printer Workshop [217]
- PV Panels - [218]
- Nut plantout - [219]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse at Kickstarter Time - [220]
- Android Camera Dump 2013 - [221]
- Freak Bulldozer Prototype - [222]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse 1 - [223]
- Universal Rotor + Microhouse 1 - [224]
- Microhouse 2 + Septic Tank for Microhouse 1 - [225]
- 2014 Summer Camera Dump - [226]
- Summer X 2014 - [227]
- Faculty House + Microcar + 2 Tractor Action [228]
- Faculty House Main Build Action [229]
- OSE Apprenticeship Promo Video - [230]
- SEH2 Stain and Paint - [231]
- Collaborator Share - John Blakley D3D Pro - [232]
- Microhouse 4 build, Power Cube, CNC Cut Furniture -[233]
- Microhouse 4 workshop, Catarina Grinding - [234]
- Microhouse 4 and Faculty House Finishing - [235]
- Microhouse 4 Plumbing, Power Cube Tom, Faculty House Finishing [236]
- Microhouse 4 Interior - [237]
- Breakage - [238]
- Microhouse 3 aerials - [239]
- Lathe 2014 - [240]
- Summer 2014 - [241]
- College Tour 2014 - [242]
- Soil Pulverizer 2 2014- [243]
- Microhouse 2 Workshop 2014 - [244]
- CEB, Power Cube, Tractor 2014 - [245]
- Microhouse 1 Plumbing - [246]
- Spring Break 2014 - [247]
- Hablab Chimney Reinstall - [248]
- Minnesota CEB Scale Model - [249]
- Microhouse Winter 2013 [250]
- Site Walk 2013 Winter - [251]
- MTU Visit - [252]
- Dorn Cox visit Dec 2013- [253]
- Big Trencher Build - [254]
- Lasersaur Build - [255]
- Ironworker 3 Build [256]
- Backhoe 3 Build - [257]
- Microhouse 1 [258]
- Aquaponic Greenhouse Workshop Testimonials - [259]
- Concrete polish, materials, trees - [260]
Seed EcoHome 2
- SEH 2 - Day 11 []
- SEH 2 - Day 10 []
- SEH 2 - Day 9 [261] - Mon May 24, 21 - final sand of floor planks
- SEH 2 - Day 8 [262] - Sat May 22, 21 - off 2 weeks, then third week
- SEH 2 - Day 7 [263]- Fri May 21, 21 - off 2 weeks, then third week
- SEH 2 - Day 6 [264]- Thu May 20, 21 - - off 2 weeks, then third week this week
- SEH 2 - Day 5 [265]- April 30, 21 - second week
- SEH 2 - Day 4 [266] - April 29, 21 - second week
- SEH 2 - Day 3 [267] - First week
- SEH 2 - Day 1-2 [268] - First week
- SEH 2 - Day -1 [269]
Seed Eco-Home 1
- Shower Plumbing - [270]
Subject Areas
- Machines in action vid -
- Machine glamor shots -
- Sparks Flying + Workshop -
- Swarm Build Pix -
2021 SummerX
- LifeTrac broken shaft 2021 - [271]
- Photo Albums
- We used Drobo in house in 2012. Drobo
- Collaborative Video Assets - those assets contributed by various participants.
- Collaborative Video Protocol - how to get involved in collaborative, stygmergic video production. This assumes a certain shared culture and skill set is created.
- High Resolution GVCS Media
- OSE YouTube
- OSE Vimeo
- OSE Instagram
- OSE Social Media