Open Source Gas Burner Furnace

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- A flammible gas fueled furnace for melting metals

- Uses a highly insulated container with one or more air intakes that burners/torches are stuck through

- Is inexpensive, but relitively low temperature

- Is more expensive to run than charcoal

Used For

- Cheap Metal Melting (aluminium primarily)

Industry Standards


Existing Open Source Designs

"The King Of Random" 's "Mini Metal Foundry"

- "The King Of Random" 's "Mini Metal Foundry" Build Guide

- "The King Of Random" 's "Mini Metal Foundry" Overview + Demo

- "The King Of Random" 's "Mini Metal Foundry" Important Info (Watch Before Others)

This More Large, and Sophisticated Design by "OldTown"

- Build Guide

Minimum Viable Product

- Cheap

- Reliable

- Durable

- Lets Shoot for 100 Uses Before Failure

- Uses the Open Source Metallurgy Crucible and one (or more) of the following Open Source Gas Burner Torch, Open Source Gas-Pressurized Air Burner Torch, Open Source Gas-Oxygen Burner Torch, or the Open Source Plasma Torch

Basic Desigm




See Also

- Open Source Metallurgy Crucible

- Open Source Gas Burner Torch

- Open Source Gas-Pressurized Air Burner Torch

- Open Source Gas-Oxygen Burner Torch

- Open Source Plasma Torch

Useful Links
