Open Source VR/AR Controler (Wand Type)
- Essentially an open source Vive Controller/Wii Contoller/PSVR Wand, except more modular, durable, and ergonomic
- Uses the Open Source VR/AR Tracking Puck
Used For
Industry Standards
Minimum Viable Product
- A Trigger
- A Grip Button
- A trackpad screen/analog stick combo
- Various Buttons
- Durable via replacable 3D Printed Flexible Covers
- Dual Hot Swappable Batteries
- Modular (Different Button Profiles can even be used for different systems)
- Also usable directly with stuff as a 3DOF Controller (over bluetooth or direct to device wifi)
Basic Design
Battery Module
- 2x Hot Swappable Batteries
- A Charge Controller
Brains Module
- Small Rasberry Pi or Arduino
HTC Vive Style Button Array Module
- Atachable top unit that makes it a vive controller
Wii Style Button Array Module
- Attachable top unit that makes it into a wii controller
=Play Station Style Button Array Module
- Attachable top unit that makes it into a wii controller
See Also
Useful Links