Purchasing and Reimbursement Policy

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OSE Policies


Policy needs to include purchasing for GVCS, agriculture, construction, production, living arrangements, facility maintenance, safety, etc.

link to Requisition Form


  1. Alll purchases effective 8.25.12 shall be made by the OSE Purchasing Agent.
  2. Interim Purchasing Agent effective 8.25.12 shall be Parker Bonnell, OSE Executive Assistant
  3. Any requests for purchases shall be submitted to Parker for approval via a Requisition Form, and shall be evaluated at 10AM M-F. Requisition Form is not a Purchase Order. A Requisition shall be approved prior to the purchase, where purchase is made by OSE Purchasing Agent.
  4. All consumables and regular purchase items shall also be made by the Purchasing Agent or his assign.
    1. All receipts and records are kept
  5. Only exception is gasoline, where Gabrielle may also make purchases.
  6. A dedicated bank card shall be made available for gas purchases and other purchases, linked to the OSE bank account.
  7. All project-related supplies purchased from OSE Funds shall be made by Parker according to a Project Plan.
  8. Only funds from OSE bank account shall constitute ‘OSE Funds’.