Recruting Modern Steam Power Project Manager
Contact recruiting at opensourceecology dot org to respond.
Are you in a position to help with our Modern Steam Power project? Our immediate goal is energy autonomy via biomass fuel pellets harvested at Factor e Farm, our living lab. We are looking for a Project Manager to make this a reality.
Why is this relevant? We are aiming to document if modern biomass power would be capable of powering modern civilization. Our goal is to integrate modern steam engines with solar concentrators to make renewable energy a feasible option in modern society.
The Modern Steam Engine system consists of 5 parts, with past work shown:
- Biomass Pelletizer to generate biomass pellets from hay or other biomass.
- Gasifier Burner - for an efficient burn of the biomass - See Gasifier_Burner_with_Heat_Exchanger_Prototype_I
- Heat exchanger - to generate steam for the engine. See Heat Exchanger Coil winding playlist]
- Modern Steam Engine - the heat engine to generate mechanical power. See Gary Hadden Steam Engine
- Generator - converts mechanical power to electrical energy
The action plan decided was to focus on recruiting a Project Manager to make this project a reality. Best case delivery time is 3 months assuming parallel development of pelletizer, gasifier, steam engine, and generator. Qaulifications for Project Manager is an Engineer with project management experience, preferably mechanical or automotive engineering or steam power engineering. See Basic Terms of contract.
We are open to remote work after a 2 week unpaid orientation stay at Factor e Farm to build rapport.
Open Invitation Letter
Are you in a position to help with our Modern Steam Power project? Our immediate goal is energy autonomy from biomass fuels at Factor e Farm, our living lab. We are looking for a Project Manager to make this a reality.
See more at
We can pay professionals in the subject matter area up to a $2k/month stipend.
Please let us know if you could also recommend others.