Regenerative Community Design
OSE is interested in mass creation of regenerative communities. OSE's current plan is the creation of the OSE Campus at the OSE headquarters, followed by replications around the world. The replications around the world can be called the Factor e Farm Network, and these sites are based on the creation of the open source economy.
In the open source market economy, OSE envisions the creation of communities that are based on the 'cookie cutter 40 acre sprawl suburbs' of today - but trasnformed more to communities that have built-in production with farms and microfactories. Thus, we envision the next model of human settlements as Global Villages in the form of Agrihoods, and derivatives of the university campus - as the OSE Campus.
First, what is a regenerative community?
What is a Regenerative Community?
It is a community that works actively on restoring the health of people and of the environment, both on its premises, surrounding communities, and the greater world.
Surrounding Community
From OSE's perspective - OSE's work is a success when we first help transition our own site, then our greater community, then the world to prosperity. Success must start with our own backyards. OSE is about local solutions. As of 2019, only limited replication of our work took place. The next phase of OSE work is economic impact, using existing GVCS developments as the open core for larger economic development.
Best Efforts
We can build on other examples to learn what makes for a functional community. The best examples are questionable, though. One of the best examples was the Manhattan Project settlement in the desert, where everyone collaborated on a common project, though its aims may not necessarily be called regenerative. There are University campuses as a great example of a functional community, though not a collaborative one. There are army bases, which have a high level of coordination, though typically for destruction. There are the elite libertarian microstate entrepreneurs, best known of which is the Seasteading Institute. The Federation of Microstate Entprepreneurs has been proposed by Vinay Gupta in the early 2010s. There are other utopian projects such as The Venus Project, criticized as communism with robots. There is Gaviotas, a village formed as a result of afforesting barren land and creating a viable economy. There is Vigyan Ashram, an applied learning community leveraging digital fabrication. There is Auroville, perhaps the best example of an intentional community along with Findhorn Ecovillage - as two examples with viable economies. Perhaps the most promising of the list in terms of practical executability in the current world are Agrihoods. Space Travel has been proposed as another long term option, but OSE is more interested in creating a collaborative economy until we approach Kardashev Scale 1, before exporting humans across the universe.
Thus, we are calling for the combination of the University Campus (diverse community of monocultural thinking), Manhattan Project (except for transitioning to a peacetime economy as a deliberate focus), a Startup Weekend community, the Agrihood, and an eco-industrial park.
Currently, the OSE Headquarters has a permanent population of 2. To increase this, there are several directions we are taking:
- Recruiting a Site Manager for site and infrastructure maintenance, including production run logistics
- Recruit a Community Manager to help manage the local and global community
- Run 3 month Summers of Extreme Design Build for 24 people
- Upgrade HabLab to a comfortable space for focused Dedicated Project Visits (DPVs)
- Upgrade facilities to house Entepreneurs in Residence (EIR) to develop open source enterprises.
- Build out ongoing apprenticeship programs with Site Manager and Community Manager in place
- Run an annual conference
- Run annual Startup Camps for open source enterprise
- With Site Manager, EIR facilities, ongoing DPVs