Shuttleworth Project Pitch - Staff

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Pitch of Nov. 16, 2012

Download full document:

File:Mjpitch staff v5 111612.odt


  • We would like to see job descriptions for Executive Director and the positions mentioned in the pitch please.
  • We would like to see an organogram for OSE
  • Which of the positions are intended to be based on Factor e Farm and which can be based remotely? Can the farm handle the additional people, if any? What, if any, are the challenges around hiring staff to be based on Factor e Farm and how will you address these?
    • All can be remote collaborators. The farm can currently handle 6 more people, as we currently have 6 on site. For living at Factor e Farm, we will do extensive spring cleaning to make the site look less like a construction site. Other than this, the utility infrastructure is stable, with the only challenge being the breakage of inverters for workshop power, which wuuld disrupt operation. However, we would still be able to do production runs with our 2 backup generators, but it would be louder in the workshop during those times.


Pitch Template - File:Projectpitchtemplate.odt