Product Lead
The Product Lead (PL) is the main person responsible for rolling out GVCS Prototypes. The PL reports to the Executive Director, directs the development team, evaluates design and fabrication bids, and recommends full time Machine Designers for approval by the ED. The main task involves organizing or directing Collaborative Production Runs on site at Factor e Farm - as the buildout of prototypes after a design period. The PL leads the design team up to full fabrication diagram - using the Fabrication Diagram method of development.
This role is intended to transition to Operations Manager, who will assist in recruiting the next Product Lead while transitioning to the broader task of overall project management to relieve the existing ED of this duty. The transition to Operations manager is intended to happen once the PL masters the OSE product design methodology, in order to make well-grounded technical and strategic assessments to lead the GVCS rollout.
- Responsible for recruiting a team of Machine Designers
- Directs Collaborative Production Runs and recruits guest Production Run Directors
- Develops work plan for Videographer in video documentation and instructionals production
- Works with Documentation Director to assure technical documentation is produced
- Organizes 4 machine Collaborative Production Runs per month by recruiting 4 Machine Designers for full time development work
- Leads CAD team to produce designs of the 50 GVCS machines.
- Reviews product designs for adherence to OSE Specifications and GVCS 50 Product Ecology.
- Works with Technical Review Board to set priorities and evaluate adherence to tachnical aspects of Critical Path Narrative.
- Demonstrated organizational ability
- Effective allocation of resources, securing of talent, and clarity of direction to deliver a planned and consistent deployment schedule
- Effective communication skills
- Excellent problem-solving ability to deal with unexpecte circumstances
- Ability to make effective requests and offers to attract resources and get things done
- Intrinsic motivation to act autonomously, or work together as a team, and the wisdom to determine which approach is relevant in specific cases to move the project forwarde
- Ability to lead and to follow, and to have the wisdom to determine the suitability of the two