Hydrogen Filling Station
(Redirected from Solar Hydrogen Filling Station)
- Generates Hydrogen and Dispenses it For Use in Devices Such as Fuel Cells, and Burners
- Is usually done by one of two methods:
- Water Electrolysis
- Hydrocarbon Reforming
- Can be dispensed in a compressed gas, or as a cryogenic liquid (Metal Hydride Storage Canisters Could Also be an Option, but are less preferable due to lifespan issues)
Off The Shelf Options
- $120k for this filling station
- This is a good project for the kids.
- They have an education kit at 1 cu ft/hr for $4k [3]. This produces 1 kg in 350 hours - every 2 weeks. Good start.
- Minimum Cost Solar is the enabler for solar hydrogen, with potential cost of under $1/kg.
- Solar Hydrogen Fueling Station
- This Section of the Open Source Fuels Construction Set
- "Millennium Reign Energy" 's line of electrolyser-compressor+prufier-storage units
- They also sell the generators by themselves
External Links
- The Wikipedia Page on Hydrogen Filling Stations
- Wikipedia has a good list of homebrew hydrogen innovators; it may be worthwhile to contact some of the developers and find open source collaborators
- An article by "Hydrogen Cars Now" on home filling stations
- This Project