Talk:Developer-User Disconnect Issues

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Trying to fix this, contacting "boots on the ground people" intrestingly on a channel i found lookin up DEF and how it can have a car LOCKED DOWN, if it runs out (ie stranded for a non-essential yet useful feature (intended to force use, but bad for use in the middle o nowhere etc, thus with connection both needs are bad (ie it is used, and understood to be needed, due to DEV HELP + Networking


hope it works, and i'm not looking like some car's salseman scammer lol (the REAL challenge of Ethical Marketing + User Analysis ) aaaaaaaaaaa

die big tech lobbiests etc aaaaaaaa

yells in OS d i s c o u r s e

anywho, that's another can of worms/rant (for the people, by the people, but money go CLINK)

--Eric (talk) 5:01, 31 May 2020 (UTC)