Team Alignment

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Completing the GVCS requires a large amount of coordination and alignmnent. Team members are encouraged to carry on a Socratic dialogue regarding how they are aligned with the OSE Mission and OSE Vision, while retaining adherence to OSE Specifications in product development - while working with the team on the Critical Path and current Priorities for the completion of the GVCS.

The most important points to keep in mind include solving important problems, understanding the economic impact of their work, and using a tactical approach of Module Based Design towards Distributive Enterprise. The unique feature of OSE's development is its drive for distributing productivity and economic power explicitly by Distributive Enterprise.

At the same time, we practice human integration. Because disintegration of the human psyche accompanied the industrial revolution on a massive scale, the drive of OSE is to study human development alongside its technical development. This is because humans have gained unprecedented technological prowess - so to provide checks and balances towards the democratic evolution of technology - people need to be whole. With great power comes great responsibility.


To engage in a public dialogue on project alignment, we encourage team members to log any issues related to alignment. These can be documented in the section below - with the latest entry on top. Or, feel free to document them n your own Work Log. Questionsre include:

  1. How do we align a large number of people to collaborate on the GVCS?
  2. What tools would help to promote collaboration?
  3. What priorities do you think OSE could include on its critical path - along with why these are important, how they should be executed, and what resources should be allocated to them?
  4. What should OSE be doing differently? How does that relate to the current priorities and critical path?