Photos - see High_Resolution_GVCS_Media
Notes - meeting May 17, 2020
- Ben - dimensional painting fried - 2.5D Printing. He developed the 2.5D printer.
- Filament maker - on aircraft carriers, they throw out pizza shaped disks of plastic overboard. In Afghanististan - they throw out millions of MRE bags.
- https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/MicroTrac_v17.10
- https://www.artmatr.co/contact - Ben - friend at Univ for Teru
- https://www.instagram.com/tedfellow/
- Karen writes for Ideas blog
- Daryl Chan - Ted Ideas blog
- TED.*com -> (TED has instagram and Twitter) -> https://ideas.ted.com/ -> then there are TED Fellows channels. https://fellowsblog.ted.com/
- https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/High_Resolution_GVCS_Media
- Feature on Instagram - text + photo. Instagram - started from pictures. Then went to text. Opposite of twitter.
- TED Fellow retreat at OSE?
- Huge community on Instagram (ex military) cottage industry of prepper franchise. Open Source Prepper Franchise.
- Go for a week and learn - 3D printing, possibilities for building homes, growing foods,
User:Eric Notes
do they do throw plastic overboard or incineration? I know subs throw biodegradable bundles out a tube, and store other stuff (at least officially, ie people not breaking rules) although that may be for stealth? (or at least pla out as it is TECHNICALLY "biodegradable") Mylar MRE's are hard as it is both metal and plastic. Pyrolysis would leave metal slag? Also perhaps an acid that dissolves the metal but not the plastic. Also their use of open pit incineration is bad, but MAY be legislative work on fixing that. Also the new supercarriers use Plasma Arc Gassification for waste. Not sure if subs/smaller ships could get that. Also may develop some sort of HMCU like thing for that. Not sure on power requirments of plasma arc gassification