Village Infrastructure and Swarm Builds

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For unleashed regenerative development, it is useful to engage large swarms of people in collaborative work. This is useful for startup cities and villages of the future, as well as for any interstellar settlement projects. Local materials, diverse capacity, automation, and diverse human skill can collaborate in new ways. Autonomous settlements means that such construction projects can afford prosperity without disrupting larger ecosystems. Here we explore some of the limits of rapid construction, towards village building with hundreds or thousdands of realtime participants, and on time scales of days, not years. Full lifecycle can take years to millenia, but the key is to retain circular materials flows so that quality of life and the environment improves over time.

Of particular interest are structures that can be expanded with time, including the vertical direction. There are few cases of vertical expansion, one known case being favelas or vertically-stacked shipping containers. This pattern is useful, such as a workshop structure expanding vertically to provide industrial and agricultural functions. This is where steel, and in particular widely accessible rebar, can be used. Ziggurat structures with living roofs are indeed interesting, and here we explore practical ways to do these on the scale of 20'x20' building blocks, for structures such as 100'x100' industrial buildings.

Workind Doc - Scalable Steel Structures

