Waste Disposal Compatibility Labels
From Open Source Ecology
- This page aims to go over existing, and potential additional, labels that aid in the sorting, Reuse , Recycling , and Disposal / Utilization of Municipal Solid Waste (ie Trash)
Resin Codes
- Also known as the “recycling symbol”
- Sadly many useful plastics are only listed as “other”
Fire Diamonds
- Shows flammability, reactivity, environmental+health harm, and sometimes other useful info
Do Not Throw Away Symbol
- On electronics/batteries etc
Potentially Useful Ones
- Basically Somehow Convey:
- If it has Sulfur/How Much
- If it has Halogens or Heavy Metals
- How “Cleanly” it burns (although this is a bit subjective and Incinerator / W2E System Dependent
- Calorific Value (maybe at a standard “dryness” ) and Ash Content
- This could also be condensed into numbers such as
- 1.) Burnable anywhere with due diligence (Wood/Paper etc)
- 2.) Burnable in Specialized Devices (Plastics, Oils, etc)
- 3.) Burnable in Specialized Devices with Basic Pollution Control Measures
- 4.) Burnable in Specialized Devices with Advanced pollution Control Measures
- 5.) Not Burnable
- 6.) Explosive if Burned
- Could also have the numbers but some symbol for where it only “burns” Endothermically/Mostly So (ie it either needs to be blended with higher quality Solid Fuels or have gas burners in the incinerator etc
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