Web Collaboration Strategy

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The web collaboration strategy revolves around creating a high standards, open participation platform.

In practice, this may look like this:

To do this, we:

  1. Publish our work openly to attract people. Assume that somebody found us, then:
  2. Person is invited to join the Forums for discussion. Forums direct people to the Crash Course. Forum Moderators guide the individual to contributing. Development
  3. The Development Team has access to the GVCS CiviCRM platform, so that all participants can be entered into a database to facilitate project development.
  4. Project Managers lead project development. They may serve as Forum Moderators.
  5. The Resource Development Team provides funding for non-volunteer work. GVCS governance occurs via voting with initiative and wallets.

High Standards, Open Participation Platform

There appears to be a contradiction between attaining quality results (high performance standards) and allowing open participation in a project. This contradiction is eliminated by matching collaborator skills with assigned tasks and maintaining the following requirements.

Development Process Transparency

GVCS Development Process Transparency involves documentation of:

  • clarity on the goals
  • the identity, skill base, and commitments of the team
  • the development process procedures
  • evaluation procedures
  • decision-making processes

For technical GVCS development, this is satisfied, respectively, by:

For the last point, it may be instructive to develop an explicit voting page. Any donor has the opportunity to vote on a project. A project will be begun upon the necessary GVCS Product Development Prerequisites being met according to the GVCS Development Template.

Collaborator Evaluation

To assess the capacity of collaborators, the Development Team encourages that everyone fill out the Team Culturing survey as a baseline. We are open to suggestions and refining of this process. For example, there should be a transparent way to rate contributors:

  1. Duration involved in the project
  2. Technical and other contributions to the project
  3. Funding or other resources raised
  4. CAD design contributed
  5. Prototypes built

And at a deeper levels:

  1. Communities started
  2. Acreage of land placed into stewardship
  3. Enterprises started with GVCS tools