A-Z Instructionals

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This page gives you all the information you need to make your CEB Press from stock steel and parts. The steps in Mechanical Fabrication and Electronic Components are independent of each other, but within each category, the suggested order should be followed. Once you finish both, you can continue on to Final Machine Integration. At that point, your machine can be used.

Also available is a PDF of the instructions listed here: CEB A-Z Fabrication Instructions 2011

Bill of Materials

Mechanical Fabrication

The purpose of this section is to build and assemble all mechanical components of the CEB. You must first cut the steel, then fabricate individual parts, then assemble them, and then paint the machine.

Steel Cut List

  • Cut the steel into the following lengths.
  • Label and separate cuts by "Step" number so you can easily find cuts for each step during the fabrication stage.
  • Note: Item Number and part number refer to CAD information. This is un-necessary if you are following the fabrication steps listed.
  • Also, from the sheet, torch the Hopper Sheet Metal and the simple plates.

Link to printable page.

Parts Fabrication

The purpose of this section is to assemble the cut steel into individual parts and assemblies.

Structural Components

  1. Simple Plates
  2. Frame structural support components


  1. Shaker Mount
  2. Shaker Hammer and Shaft
  3. Shaker Hydraulics

Hopper and Grate

  1. Hopper and Grate Supports
  2. Hopper Sheet Metal
  3. Hopper Mounting plate
  4. Grate

Machine Core

  1. Soil Loading Drawer
  2. Roller Guides

Main Frame Preparation

  1. Wide Cylinder Supports
  2. Main Frame Small Components
  3. Main Frame U-Channel Prep-Still needs fab drawings
  1. Make the Press Feet
  2. Prepare the main cylinder

Main Frame Assembly

  1. Assemble U Channel
  2. Fit the Main Cylinder
  3. Stretch the frame
  4. Weld the spacers
  5. Install Small Components
  6. Fit the Drawer Members


Parts Assembly

The purpose of this section is to assemble all of the parts you made in the parts fabrication section.

  1. Assemble the structural components
  2. Assemble the Soil Loading System
  3. Shaker Assembly
  4. Adjust the Drawer
  5. Install the secondary cylinder
  6. Hard-line the main cylinder


  • Cover the hydraulics and any other place that should not be painted.
  • Check all external surfaces for sharp edges and smooth with angle grinder.
  • Remove any surface rust with wire brush and / or sandpaper.
  • Apply a thorough coating of paint to all steel surfaces.
  • Allow 24 hours to dry before handling.

Electronic Components Assembly

  1. Linked Extension Cord
  2. Sensor Unit
  3. Case
  4. Solenoid Driver v2
  5. Controller Box

Final Machine Integration

  1. Mount Solenoid Valve Set And Controller Box
  2. Electrohydraulic Integration
  3. Code Upload