Abundance Pedagogy
Abundance Pedagogy (AP) refers to Superlearning using principles of an abundance mindset. It's a type of pedagogy fueled by principles of abundance thinking. Aspects:
- Purpose - must have a higher goal, one of civilization design (of a free, democratic, just, inclusive, and prosperous version of civilization) as a comprehensive topic that includes the sum total of all human enterprise writ large
- Transcend and include, and wrap your head around a problem. Forme is Ken Wilber work.
- Superlearning - as in the book updated in 1997, Superlearning 2000?
- AP begins with prepping your mind for higher capacity by noticing the possibility of rapid learning in the first place, and that anyone can practice techniques to get to higher performance learning.
- Integrated learning - to master practice of civilization design, one must go at breadth and depth in any topic, from theory, to practice, to materials (prepare your own paint, materials, chemicals) to design and enterprise. Understanding the theory behind, calculations, scope of a field of knowhow, effective communication of knowledge, documenting knowledge, and learning collaboratively.
- Collaborative Learning
- Zero Waste Collaboration
- Must achieve Common Materials, as people who are out of touch with the things that they use is not a good design for a democratic society.
- Must have a democratic teleology.
- Must have an inclusive bend.
- Must follow a philosophy of freedom.
- Must strive for material abundance, solving the bottom rung of Maslow's Pyramid