Airlift of a GVCS

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  • This page calculates the means, and possibly the cost of Airlifting an entire GVCS (in parts and/or assembled) into a variety of locations
  • This would be mainly of use to Ultra-Remote Areas (Developing areas, or areas with inadequit shipping/logistics systems
  • High cost, yet some rare circumstances would require it


Unit Load Devices

  • All componets would be dissasembled and loaded into many Unit Load Devices, these would be organized according to what they go to and their need in setting up the location
  • Then an airliner or small cargo plane would be used (either buying space, charter, or a personally owned plane)

463L Master Pallets

  • All componets would be dissasembled and loaded into many 463L Master Pallets, these would be organized according to what they go to and their need in setting up the location
  • Another option would be using some pallets and leave the other machines (tractors etc) assembled and tied down to the cargo aircraft (This method would REQUIRE a rear/front cargo ramp, but would allow for self loading/unloading via a forklift/tractor placed closest to the ramp side
  • Would require the larger aircraft, but would allow for more flexability in packing, and possible simutanious travel of many people (specialists etc) in the same aircraft

Method to the last phase(s)

  • If adequait runways are available (both in surface, length, and distance from the target location) they can be used
  • If not it comes down to the following methods

Air to Short Range Ground Cargo Transport

  • The packages are dropped off and transported by either car/bus/van, train, or boat to the target location

Guided Cargo Parachute Based Airdrop

Low-Altitude Parachute-Extraction

Double Base Method

  • Land at a suitable location, build a small microfactory/base, use this to build another GVCS either with local materials or materials brought along
  • More materials and time needed, yet simpler and possibly cheaper

Air to Short Range Helicopter Lift

  • For remote/rugged areas a suitable airstrip can be used, then a cargo helicopter (Either internal, or attached below via a rope attached to a cargo net holding the pallet(s)
  • Higly costly, and not really worth it, but may allow for acess to highly rugged areas, or to areas even without suitable road infistructure
  • Unlikly to be used due to uncommon niche, and cost and cordination required (Cargo Aircraft, AND Heavy Lift Helicopters, near impossible to have both, let alone one)

See Also/Merge With

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