Chris Caswell Log

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Time Log

Mar 23 - Mar 29

COVID Response

Mar 14 - Mar 20


Mar 9 - Mar 13

Mar 2 - Mar 8

Feb 24 - Mar 1

  • Eco filament experiments: recycled PP & PET from Robries (Surabaya) -> wallet. It will extrude on D3D but bed adhesion issues; heat bed and chamber will be needed, although with perf plate I believe thin wall geometries will be OK.

Feb 10 - Feb 16 2020 --- STEAM camp 1

Jan 25 - Feb 2 2020 --- STEAM camp 1

Next time

  • Better asynchronous communication and coordination, especially for the remote folks, for the collaborative presence to be felt
  • Ideally something embedded in the Wiki, so it will stay on the same platform
  • Embedded IRC?
  • Meeting time to middle of the day
  • Curriculum content (lecture section) better to have posted as video link rather than live stream
  • Need project manager role, someone to focus on coordinating documentation, managing remote folks, checking in on anyone falling behind
  • Printer @1.2mm -> Plotter -> CNC mill toward circuit -> 0.6mm finer prints (printer will get more and more tuned in as the camp goes on)
  • Printing from Useful Print library, which will both produce useful goods showing the value, good calibration prints for the machine, and a good development queue for FreeCAD lessons and practice.
  • PiTab case needs to get to a steady, stable state; simple no frills enclosure. Ideally it will have nut catches or some other attachment point, so next STEAM camp can iterate on some external modules.

RPi Software

Based on the NOOBS install:

Used the offline installer package on a FAT formatted 32gb micro SD


I had issues trying to run Cura on the Raspbian, it kept crashing. It seems like someone has compiled a version and posted it in the ultimaker forums that will run on the RPi processor:


Install procedure: Once the appimage file is downloaded (I used Cura-mb-master-armhf-20191209.AppImage), make the file executable
> chmod +x Cura-mb-master-armhf-20191209.AppImage

Then you just need to run the app image file:
> ./Cura-mb-master-armhf-20191209.AppImage



Once it's plugged in, Camera just needs to be toggled on in the config -> "interfaces"

Once restarted, you can take a picture like this:
> raspistill -o Desktop/image.jpg

This will activate the camera module and show a view finder, until you hit "Enter" and it saves a picture to the specified location.

Photo updates, newest first

Thur Dec 9 - 13, 2019

I'm working on replicating the D3D Simple build we worked on in November, recreating it here alongside Marcin's recent changes.

Thur Nov 21, 2019

HintLightbulb.png Hint: How to sharpen to a fine point? -MJ

Putty knife:

I have used a belt sander to keep a good sharp bevel

Mon Nov 19, 2019

  • OSE wallet File:Ose
  • OpenSCAD-ready vector version of the logo - get File:ose_logo_for_openscad.svg
  • Iframe of svg, since SVG is not appearing:

Mon Nov 18, 2019

Nov 14

Nov 1 - Nov 7

Work on Simple Extruder -- Cut/drill/tapped aluminum heat sink block. FreeCADed a jig for alignment (also WIP) - I think the same could be done with heater block.

I bought packs of all the hardware for the universal axis build hoping that I could use the same screws for this - but I am not sure this will be possible.

Spring tensioner needs still most work, the bearing from that is pictured is obviously not going to work...

I have come around to horizontal tool mount; I do feel like it will be more compact and stable. I think could be as simple as 3 holes and wing nuts.. focusing on full functioning of simple extruder first.

Edit: Nov 8 -- updated version of spring tensioner and extruder motor bracket

Oct 25 - Oct 31

After pulling many a hair out trying to make modifications to existing carriage file (every version I could find), have given up and began to just re-CAD from scratch. As proof of concept, made universal tool mount mods to carriage in Blender, but as a back-up I'm doing a super simplified mechanism as well in FreeCAD.

For Simple Extruder, I also started from scratch to build a replacement for the extruder spring base bracket that will also include wire org for the quick attach wiring, and a place for the toolhead mount. This should work for vertical or horizontal mounting, whatever we decide. . Also got trip details planned and tickets purchased for Nov 8 - 23

Oct 20 - Oct 24

Working on Simple Extruder and Universal Toolhead Mount. Note also that D3D_Simple#Part_Library has more.

Tue Oct 9, 2019


Sat Sep 14, 2019

First Conversation with Marcin
