Collaborative Development Theory

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Based on OSE Discipline, a public interest method of development arises to match the power of the largest organizations. This addresses the 100x reinvention of the wheel when 100 different companies are vying for a space. This allows for the completion of development toward Great product, as opposed to reaching an inferior state of development - as is the current industry standard. Great product is feasible only when the extra effort is made to liberate such great production.

In terms of development effort, with 24 people one can scratch the surface of a simple product for which much open source prior art exists, but to develop a fighter jet or a semiconductor manufacturing facility over a weekend requires much greater effort. If an R&D team at a corporation could develop a design in a 1-2 years with 1000 people, and that design can be built in another year with a team of 1000 workers, then the design-build of a complex technology over a weekend would require about a million people, with accompanying logistics and information management challenges that can be solved only within the framework of Open Sector development. Such an effort would require 'preparation' in the form of a Collaboratively Literate population - thus the preparation for inleashed design-build capacity relies on shifting culture. Since this culture requires Sharing, such a cultural shift is reminiscent of the 'second coming of the savior' as pormised in many religions. That is - this means thorough tranformation of human enterprise into collaborative, where competitive waste has been eradicated on a transition to a permanent peacetime economy.

The large swarms necessary to transition any product to what it can be - and to evolve continuously - number in the thousands and millions. Coordination is key - which is afforded by a culture of Collaborative Literacy, implemented by Sharing, and driven by Moral Intelligence as a founding intelligence.

OSE intends to develop a 24 person swarm in 2024, 240 swarm in 2025, 2400 swarm in 2026, 24k swarm in 2027, and in the culmination year of the GVCS development effort - 2028 - as the completion of the entire GVCS - a swarm of a quarter million full time developers. If in the big picture each technology requires $1M-$1B of develeopment effort - depending on the level of Great required - then a quarter million capable developers are worth about $25B in development effort at standard market rates, meaning half a billion for each GVCS technology, and thus ample effort to complete the GVCS. Collaborative techniques are likely to increase the effort above standard market rates. There was a dream called open hardware. It shall be realized.