D3D Universal BOM International
- A BOM has a set of Items.
Item #
- Unique number/(string) for an Item.
- Proposal: replace with Item ID because (continuous) numbering breaks easily and is a hassle to keep up-to-date.
Item ID
- Unique name that provides a suggestive name for an Item.
- Unique within the BOM, but not necessarily across BOMs.
- The name is structured with "-", typically restricting/refining the preceding part. For example:
- screw: a very generic screw, probably not a useful name in itself because too generic
- screw-m6: a screw with M6 threading
- screw-m6-18mm: screw with M6 threading and of length 18mm (length does not include head)
Item Description
- Specifies the Item in natural language with the needed specificity.
- For a cots-Item such that suitable candidates can be identified and ordered from a supplier
Item Type
- cots (Commercial-Of-The-Shelf): a standard part that can be procured, see COTS
- diy: requires manufacturing steps such as
- cut: cutting with saw
- drill: drilling
- tab: tabbing
- custom: can be manufactured to specification by a suitable local/online supplier (typically a Job Shop)
- raw: semi-finished/raw product/stock can be procured, which needs to be further refined with diy
- consumable: usually a continuous (not discrete) quantity, of which only a relatively small amount is required
- Indicates where the Item can be found in the BOM's machine.
- The name can refer to an Item or a (sub-)assembly.
- The intention is to give a hint/reminder about the Item's purpose and positioning in the machine (for people that already have a decent understanding of the working of the machine). It is not meant replace build or assembly instructions.
- TODO: Deciding on how to name (sub-)assemblies (naming convention)
Supply [Country/Region]
- BOM reflects the D3D Universal build in Ghent at January 2020 STEAM Camp
- with updates to make the BOM more general
- BOM Items are targeted for Europe
- European plug, 230V AC power supply
- no GFCI
- BOM provides links to German suppliers, US links are stale
- please add more countries/regions
Related BOMs
(The nice thing about BOMs is that here are so many to choose from...)
- D3D Universal BOM
- current gold standard, but with rough edges
- US-specific
- BOM for January 2020 STEAM Camp in Ghent, Belgium [1]
- not complete
- has partially suppliers for Belgium/Benelux
- STEAM Camp Master Part List for January 2020 STEAM Camp
- December 2019 Production Run