January 2020 STEAM Camp
- See STEAM Camp Materials Logistics for shipping info to Europe
- STEAM Camp 2020 Microtasks
Kit Shipping Address Form
- Kit Shipping - Address Form
Prep Timeline
- T=Event (Jan 25)
- T-7 - kits shipped USA cutoff -
- T-14 - kits shipped international
- Takes 1 week for international, 4 days for US
See STEAM Camp Log
Day 0
- STEAM Camp Liability Releases
- OSE Dev Kit Packing List
- International BOM for Universal - Start - [1]
- Belgium Specific BOM - [2]
- STEAM Camp Master Part List
- Tom Log, Michel Log, Marcin Log, Chris Log
- Link to parts for kit - January_2020_STEAM_Camp_Kits_BOM
- Working Docs - Power Elecronics Working Doc
- Power Panel Part List
Day 1
On the first day – we introduce Open Source Ecology’s collaborative design work and provide an overview of our vision and practical techniques that can get us there. We introduce our philosophy – which we believe has the potential to tranform the world’s economy from proprietary to collaboratve – with an accompanying cascade of positive change throughout the world. We dive immediately into practical tools of collaborative design – where each person builds a basic, rapid prototyping 3D printer from scratch, and runs a first print on the same day. The 3D Printer is called D3D Universal – a 3-axis machine with quick-connect tool heads – where we build additional tool heads on the second day.
Intro Presentation
D3D Universal Build Manual
Day 2
On the second day, we dive into the design aspect – with a crash course on FreeCAD – an open source computer-aided design (CAD) tool. In one hour, we will teach you how to go from an idea in your head – to a basic design workflow – and end up with an object that you can print readily on your own 3D printer that you just built. From then on, you will do a number of simple designs in FreeCAD as you build your design skills. All the things you design will be practical tools like a razor, screw driver, tool holders, etc – that you then print and use through the rest of the program – and upload online so anyone can benefit from it or improve it.
The practical designs of the second day include a plotter pen holder and an electric motor holder. You can either print out existing designs that we have provided – or you can design your own or modify them. The pen holder turns your D3D Universal into a CNC pen plotter for drawing pictures or circuits – or a simple CNC mill/drill. You will learn how to control these machines with the same Universal Controller as the 3D printer – by uploading new software, generating control code by hand, or using software such as Inkscape, KiCad, or FreeCAD to generate tool paths for your plotter or mill. Because D3D Universal has a height sensor, you will learn how to level the workpiece automatically – whether you are plotting or milling.
The intent of these exercises is to learn how these machines work, to the point that you can design and build a modified, larger, or more robust version that can be used in production. While the tools built are entry level and focused on education, they have a clear path of extensibility and scalability that allows them to become workhorse machines. With the tools and skills gained, and a support community to help – we encourage people to start open source microfactories that contributes to the local economy based on global, collaborative design. For example, we are including the design our our professional grade printer – D3D Pro – with the SD card that comes with the D3D Universal – so that you can bootstrap to professional grade production. You can print more parts with D3D Universal, and reuse most of its parts – to build D3D Pro. Same goes for scaling up from D3D Simple – to a larger CNC Torch table for producing metal parts – by printing the required parts for a much larger motion system. In fact, our build techniques can be applied readily to heavy machines which use a Universal Axis with 3″ steel rods.
Day 3 - Arduino + Circuit Making
On the third day we shift to electronics. We learn basic circuit design concepts – using analogies to mechanical and hydraulic circuits. We cover hands-on topics which culminate with the build of a cordless welder controller by an Arduino which we made ourselves. We will make 2 versions of a basic Arduino Uno compatible, starting from a bare microcontroller chip (Atmel 328) and supporting components. We will learn how to solder everything using a stripboard. Then we will use a second way: with the CNC drill that we made on Day 2, we will drill holes automatically using a toolpath made either by hand, or FreeCAD, or with Inkscape. We will then draw the connecting leads by hand – making the Art of STEAM happen – and etch the board with ecological etchant. In this process, we will learn what a microcontroller is – and how to design a working one from scratch. This is an exciting exercise because it shows basic techniques and produces a working product. Milling, circuit board design, microcontrollers, electrical components, toolpath generation, soldering, and etching are covered. For the etching part, we will 3d print a bath container, and agitate it by moving it back and forth on the D3D Universal print bed – to get a controlled etch result. If we have ambitious participants, we have an option of building in a bluetooth wireless module into the Arduino Uno circuit – so we can control the Arduino wirelessly using the Raspberry Pi/Beagle Bone Tablet/Film Studio that we build during the 5 project days.
- DIY Arduino BOM - [3]
Day 4 - Batteries + Welder + Power Panel
On the fourth day, we delve into battery packs and power electronics. First, we will design and build simple battery packs, which are stackable for higher voltage or current. We will 3D print a power board with 3D printed screw-down terminals for making wire connections. While our Universal Controller is a simple example of a board for holding electronic components – the build on Day 4 will be used for 4 purposes: a small working welder (60-180A), AC light dimmer, DC motor controller, and charger. The focus here is learning about power electronics: how to use an Arduino to build a switching power supply that controls either outlet power or battery power for useful purposes. We will use the Arduino Uno that we built on Day 3 as the controller, to which we will upload the software for the four different functions. We will learn about control logic, how to write simple programs for Arduino, how to use feedback to control electonic devices, and how to measure voltage and current.
- Power Panel with Power Panel Part List
- https://github.com/nseidle/BMS and Ebay [4] and Ali [5]
- Beerware License
- Open Source BMS (lkcl16nov20: currently redirecting to battery pack, see notes below)
Day 5-9
Days 5-9: Raspberry Pi/Beagle Bone Tablet and Film Studio With all the tools and skills learned and built on the first 4 days, we will build a Raspberry Pi/Beagle Bone Tablet with a focus on use as a Film Studio for documentation, podcasting, and video production. Here our imagination can run wild with different approaches and options – and we will focus the team effort on building a practical product that is usable for web, email, video, photos, communications, and other productivity. Our special insterest is a suite of video tools for documentation and broadcasting. The idea is that we iterate on the design – after the STEAM Camp and in future STEAM Camps – until a marketable product is complete.
The basic package for the workshop revolves around a Raspberry Pi 4B quad core 1.5 ghz and 4GB RAM – a powerful base for a practical tablet. We are including a 7″ touch screen, Camera v2 8 megapixel module capable of 4000 pixel horizontal resolution (4K) to work with, and 30W LED light module that can act as a film light or a shop light. These parts are all included in the STEAM Camp admission. We are designing the system such that either a Raspberry Pi or a Beagle Bone can be used for the tablet.
From there, we will design or adapt and 3D print a case and battery pack – using the 18650 batteries from Day 4. We will focus on modular design – comparable to the promise of a modular electronic device like PhoneBloks. From the perspective of OSE – the value propositon is that the tablet becomes a lifetime design – where lifetime design can be achieved by open source modularity. Parts can be replaced, upgraded, modified, or added on.
While our main interest is a video production suite, we can suggest additional ideas such as a phone module to add phone functionality for about $40 (not included) or other infrastructure around the basic tablet:
- Tripod, Camera stabilizer, film/shop light module, or built in light
- Camera Slider or rotor – using the motor from Day 2 and 3D printed planetary geardowns, or a *3D Printed Linear Bearing, to make a practical camera slider of any length with a *modular/stackable track. This would be a great exploration of mechatronics covering *mechanical design, precision motion, geardowns, etc.
- Charger and larger auxiliary battery packs – for doing all-day time lapses or longer.
- Weatherproof or underwater case.
- Wireless microphone – for the film studio
- Wireless loudspeaker
- Wireless headphones
- Phone addition – perhaps using a Pi Zero for $5 with a phone module to create built-in phone
- Bluetooth keyboard
These are just some ideas. On the evening of the first day – we will have a discussion on which specific modules we would like to work on, and what extra parts may be needed. Only the parts mentioned above are included in the STEAM Camp cost (Pi 4B, touchscreen, camera, and LED light, and wiring) – which combined with 3D printing and other parts already available from the first 4 days – provide plenty to work on. We are also open to other ideas, and we will coordinate across all participants across all locations to maximize collaboration if anyone wants to purchase additional parts on their own. Additional purchases may be made online by participants. Assuming fast shipping such as Amazon, purchases would arrive by the Project Days.
Participants are encouraged to make specific suggestions for projects related to the Pi Tablet prior to the STEAM, so that additional parts may be secured if needed.
Pre Early-Bird
Early bird registration for the Open Source Microfactory immersion ends tomorrow - Friday Night at midnight USA time. And - we have added a 1-day participation option - where you get an introduction to OSE's collaborative design - AND build a 3D printer to take home with you - in ONE DAY! 3 events are running at the same time in Belgium, Virginia, and Texas to provide a unique opportunity for collaboration. See more details at https://www.opensourceecology.org/steam-camp-january-2020/
Special Weekend Option
We have just added a 2-day only, Special Weekend Program to the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp - for those of you who do not have time for the full, 9 day program. You will get an introduction to OSE's collaborative design methods - AND build a 3D printer to take home with you - in ONE DAY! And - you can build a 3D printer with a large, 12"x12" print bed size, too! See more information at https://www.opensourceecology.org/steam-camp-january-2020/#special_weekend_program . 3 events are running at the same time in Belgium, Virginia, and Texas to provide a unique opportunity for collaboration. Early Bird registration for the overall workshop ends Friday, Jan. 3 - midnight CST USA time - so please register now. See more details at https://www.opensourceecology.org/steam-camp-january-2020/
Venues Posted
- Marcin FB Page
- OSE FB Page
- OSE Workshops FB Group
- OSE Site - [6]
What I can do to help you, if you post a message to French and European fablabs on your facebook group tag me (identify me) on it and it will be forwarded on the French fablabs network and I will see to it that it is translated for the fablab France community as well.
my Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/JonathanQuesnel02
my Twitter profile: https://twitter.com/quesneljonathan
French fablab network group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fablabfrance/
Detail for Website
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Introduction Section
- January 2020 STEAM Camp - How It Works - focus on open collaboration across sites. Taking products home. Starting the open source industrial revolution.
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Overview of Learning Program
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Detailed Curriculum. This is also the general schedule.
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Developer Kit - Products that you take home, which are offered to remote participants.
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Learning Objectives
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Intended Audience.
- January 2020 STEAM Camp General Schedule. Cover any generalization to make flow of Detailed Curriculum plan clear.
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Logistics - now doing multiple events globally at the same time, this starts to become interesting - as logistics involve coordinating multiple sites.
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Registration
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Kits BOM.
- Google Doc of the above for posting on Wordpress - [7]
Basic Course Narrative
- Day 1 - intro to OSE Collaborative Design for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance. We culminate by building a 3D printer from scratch.
- Day 2 - Get the printer. Collaborative Design. We learn the toolchain from designing FreeCAD to 3D printed parts on our 3D Printers - in one hour. Couple of quick useful prints - hacksaw or allan key holder. We design and 3D print a motor mount - to make an educational CNC mill for D3D Universal using a 555 motor. Then we learn how to bed level for CNC milling and how to design gcode manually or with a gcode generator, so we are ready to build a practical mill by making larger Universal Axes. Day 2 is Collaborative Design. Just design and iterate and get
- Day 3 - Electronics. We then do CNC drilling of a hole pattern for a 28 pin chip - to make our own Arduino by hand drawing the rest of the circuit and etching on the D3D Universal Etcher (agitator of milling bath). We build a switching circuit to control a light or motor using this Arduino, learning basic programming with Arduino. We get more serious by starting to use KiCad to design a sample circuit, and to begin making 3D printed circuits with 3D printed terminals. Breadboard example. Combine the techniques to make it useful. Include 3d printed Power Board - [8]
We take DIY arduino, CNC holes, hand etching, stripboard. Connect stripboard to KiCad lesson. Stripboard shield for Arduino. https://startingelectronics.org/projects/arduino-projects/arduino-tiny-stripboard-shield/
- Day 4 - We design and build stackable battery packs around the 18650 lithium batteries. We then build a cordless welder and battery charger, controlled by our home-made arduino.
Weld 2 8 mm rods together.
- Day 5-9 - project days: Raspberry Pi Tablet film studio - see Raspberry Pi Tablet Specification.
Followup Email
Hi Participants,
Thank you for registering for the Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp - glad to have you on board. First of all - which location will you be attending? How did you find out about this event? What are your learning goals?
This will be a collaborative learning experience, and we start right here. Please start by downloading or testing OSE Linux v1.0 - the software suite that we will use. You can either download, or just respond to this email and we'll send you a copy on a USB via mail.
Please read more about this in our FAQ:
Second - please introduce yourself at https://www.facebook.com/groups/398759490316633/permalink/1244464115746162/ - see my first comment - and sign up for the OSE Workshops FB group if you are not on there yet.
Next, if you are participating in the live or remote event - bring a camera and download a timelapse app - we recommend Open Camera - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.opencamera&hl=en_US. We want to capture as much documentation, time-lapses, build pictures - and the OSE Workshops FB page is where we post updates and during-event pictures.
More soon,
- Pieter Hijma. Software engineer. Ghent.
- Xiong Xiong and his brother. Former software engineer at FB. Richmond.
- Don Jacobsmeyer. Thomas Griffing. Marcin Jakubowski. Texas. Texas STEAM Camp 2020 Travel.
- Benedikt Seidel. From OSE interests in Germany. Ghent. My learning goals are -1. enhancing my technical skills, 2. getting a better understanding of making an economy of abundance, 3. learning how Fab City Hamburg actors can engage in the curriculum and product development of STEAM, and 4. learning how to organise a STEAM camp. The gained knowledge will be applied in several activities of Fab City Hamburg. First, as I had told you, we (Libre Solar, Helmut-Schmid-University, and others) have had a meeting regarding holding STEAM camps in Hamburg last Friday. It went very well, we have all the resources (qualified instructor, space with work tables, and a good internet connection) and the will to make Hamburg participate in the next round of STEAM camps. Second, after having hold the first STEAM camp in Hamburg, the STEAM format might be integrated into different areas, such as schooling/university/dual vocational training system curricula. Looking forward to the camp, Benedikt
- Unai Gaztelu. From Spain. In Ghent.
- Holger Kienle. From Germany. Ghent. Great! I have been following you guys loosely over the years because I feel OSE pulls together all the key concepts that are dear to me (open*, repair-ability, commoning, tackling environmental impact), but so far I never found the time to seriously connect. I am subscribed to the OSE newsletter and that's how I heard about it. The call/info sounds very exciting and gave me the "push to action"... :) I don't have any particular learning goal -- I want to stay open-minded an go with the flow of the event. But generally, any practical skills that will help me to become more proficient in designing/building mechatronics would be great. One of the big challenges I am facing is going from analysis paralysis and theory-build to practical prototyping and development. (If I understand correctly, this is also tackled by the camp when it says: "But you did not know where to start?".) From the bigger picture, I want to start pursuing the idea of building open* electrical household appliances, perhaps starting with a (canister) vacuum cleaner. I guess you can look at it as a GVCS on an urban-household-scale. However, in contrast, these appliances, are, of course, not needed for "survival" and more on the convenience side. But since so many of these are sold and thrown away as "black boxes", I think it would have a big impact...
Beber Geens - Ghent. From Ghent.
- Video Guy from the Furniture Factory for Ghent. Kevin and Devin for Richmond.
Liam Considine - video. Video Sat-Sun-Mon.
. Jessica Leet
- Jeremy Drost - I am very excited about 2020 STEAM Workshop, and regret that I am only able to participate remotely. I have been following OSE for many years and am looking forward to finally being able to participate. Is there list of technical requirements? i.e. webcam required or software to have installed prior to start? I have a moderately equipped woodworking shop, but have minimal metal working tools, what items should I acquire/borrow prior to the workshop? i.e. angle grinder, wire wheel, torch, Drill press etc.? Thanks so much, and looking forward to this. I have a group of fellow enthusiast that are likely to drop by my workshop throughout the week.
- Yale Fox
- Fouad Yammine - At the moment i'd like to gain some practical experience in building useful machines. I saw your ted talk a few years ago and found it to be absolutely necessary for any serious attempt at sustainable autonomy at any level. The open source aspect of it all was what caught my attention. I currently live with a collective in Lebanon whose initial purpose was seed saving heritage varieties of vegetables and grains, local and less local. It is now a training center in agroecology. Although I don't think I am the person to administer the microfactory, I believe I might have the right network to do so. I am hoping to have more information and first hand knowledge once I am back in Lebanon in June. As you may have heard, the political situation in the country is unstable. Out of this however we are seeing a growing interest in food autonomy and agroecology. I believe it is also the perfect opportunity for a microfactory project like this to boost super local capabilities and open new opportunities for creativity. What i have seen so far in Lebanon with regards to this has been scarce and unaccesible to most people. It would be very useful to discuss this with you after Ive attended the workshop! Any input you might have would be invaluable!
- User:Lkcl, hello! author of Open_Source_Battery_Pack here, just keeping an eye out on this page, happy to help out when asked. OSBP CAD is very new, very quickly put together in 2 days, needs testing and build instructions writing. questions well in advance of Day 4-5 would be good as i am doing other projects. feel free to edit the OSBP page with questions.
- Etching - learning a g-code lesson
- Stick to 555 motor.
Day 1: ok Day 2: let's build a motor from scratch, but here's a simple one. Collaborative design of spindle holder. Hand_Drawn_Circuits. Later - plastic rotor with magnets glued in. In future, need to go to 3 phase motor, which is self-starting. You can also determine which direction it turns.
Chris likes circuits by hang. Doable, for DIY arduino
Build your own UA, built you own spindle, designed spindle holder, generated gcode, cnc drilled, drew your circuit, put it in a bath and etch, agitate with ecofluid on the UA. Solder. get a working arduino Uno.
- Luka Mustafa - Going though the description, I find missing a section before The Greater Picture, which would expand on helping people understand how they fit in and what they can do from this point on-wards or for example what other people have been able to do with this new knowledge. The current text is very much speaking to people that know a lot about OSE already.
Sourcing and Packing
- OSE Dev Kit Packing List.
- USA Master BOM - STEAM Camp Master Part List
- International BOM for Universal - Start - [9]
- Belgium Specific BOM - [10]
- Link to parts for kit - January_2020_STEAM_Camp_Kits_BOM
- January 2020 Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camp - camp page for participants. Shortcut - J.
- Finances Spreadsheet
- January 2020 STEAM Camp Budget
- STEAM Camp 2020.
- STEAM Camp Master Part List
- STEAM Camps Materials Logistics
- STEAM Camp Log
- OSE Dev Kit and January 2020 STEAM Camp Kits BOM
- Summer 2019 STEAM Camp - [11]
- D3D_Universal#3D_Printer
- January STEAM Camp Script
- D3D Universal Production Engineering
- D3D Simple Kit Preparation
- D3D Simple Expandability Value Proposition