D3D Universal Industry Standards
- This page is going over the Industry Standards for the D3D Universal
Products that Fill a Similar Niche
Open Source
Prusa Mini
- Doesn't come with the toolheads stock, but is otherwise similar
- Has:
- Bowden Extruder
- Cantilever Design
- Marketed somewhat "easy setup"
- Auto-Bed Leveling
- "It Just Works" mentality
- Fully Open Source
Non-Open Source
- "Printrbot Simple" (?) to be more specific?
- The Wikipedia Page on Printrbot
- User:goldfishlaser supposedly has hands on experience with one
Open Source Prior Art
Multiple toolheads for a given machine are a common idea found in:
- Snapmaker
- E3D's current work on the automatic tool changer - but this is only for exchanging print heads.
- This work is based on the D3D Simple - modifying for quick attachment of multiple heads.
- D3D Simple is based on the Universal Axis
- The Universal Axis is a modular, scalable derivative of the Prusa i3 printer X axis. Instead of using a dedicated design for an X axis, why not generalize the design to make it work for X, Y, and Z - and make it Intensively Scalable and Extensively Scalable at the same time?
Other Prior Art
This refers to other ways that people do a linear axis motion system. A common way is using lead screws.