D3D v18.12
Build at Highland County Community College
- v18.12 is same as v18.10 in 3D Printer Genealogy except that we used a modified Lulzbot Mini omnidirectional fan shroud for print cooling
Build at Highland Community College
- Feb 11, 2019
- Used 13" frame with 1" symmetric extension consisting of half idler pieces under the Universal Axis
- Titan Aero 3mm extruder, using 1.75 mm filament without problem
- Y axis pretested with 300 mm/sec motion
Extruder CAD
Stock Titan Aero mount bracket. See [4]. Bracket - [5] - STEP + STL. Check out drawings from E3D - [6]. STEP of Bracket - File:Bracket.fcstd
Titan Aero with motor - [7]
Titan Aero mount top plate. File:Brackettop.fcstd.
Simplified carriage: File:Universal axis carriage side.fcstd. (From D3D Part Library)
Sensor holder. Print at 100%. File:Sensholder.fcstd. File:Sensholder.stl.
Lulzbot Mini 2 OSE Mod Fan Shroud. File:Lulzbotmini2shroud.fcstd. Original source file with sketches from Lulzbot- [8]. STL - File:Fanshroud.stl.
Lulzbot Mini 2 Extruder [9].
CAD of Parts
See 3D Printer Manual. Note that the manual covers up to the Titan Aero extruder - but it does not cover the new omnidirectional fan shroud that we borrowed from the Lulzbot Mini 2 friendly 3D printer.
- Lulzbot Cura settings file - File:D3D 14inchframe Titan Aero Omni Shroud 04 175.ini
- Use File:Marlin v1810.zip - works as is