David Leasure Log

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Work Log

Mon Aug 9, 2021

Conversation with Marcin at David Leasure

Sat Jul 31, 2021

Collaborative Note-taking

Fri Jul 2, 2021

  • Produced:

In the spirit of becoming an expert collaborator (and nowhere near that, yet) I offer up my notes from Lesson 1 of 120 for their value as notes for learning and improvement of "lecture" as well as a model of collaboration using a template for turning notetaking from documenting what was said to turning it into meaningful learning.

Here's the link to the template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VakrDcRDHW5RVtOrc1bHR4RjF-DnWnoW56I_Pyv8rtE/edit?usp=sharing

Here's a link to the notes I created, non-collaboratively: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gw9_jqorf7BvA_r54A6G-p9xmJ44pqK5r-v7DfiMCw8/edit?usp=sharing

It's my hope that it would be useful to you in the future (next year, even) as well as to us as learners.

The whole thing could likely be simplified.

Sun Jun 27, 2021

  • finished up the installation of the axes.
  • Installed the control RAMP, power supply, GFCI, and Relay. Had to solder one of the leads to stiffen it and add more metal to it.
  • discovered the base opening was too narrow for the RAMP board and used heat gun to widen it with a slight bulge for the USB side of RAMP.

Wed Jun 23, 2021

  • continued reading the psychology of abundance and other OSE topics. Looked up 'flow' and 'transcendence' to refresh.
  • I have wondered if EcoHome 2 or the OBI has talked with Habitat for Humanity regarding a pilot project? I did see the video with the KC foundation.
  • The skills needed for panel construction are low, in terms of time-to-master but the skills required for process design and refinement are higher level and more abstract. Process design. Modular manufacturing. Research into uniform building codes. Problem-solving. Design. Communication. It's an engineer's toolbox.
  • the other theme I'm following is the method of organizing a group of people around an idea like OSE. My other experience with such an approach is the Academy of Process Education (processeducation.org). The ability to contribute, to research methods, to pose problems to solve, etc. are stronger in OSE than PE. Part of it is due to embracing the open approach, and part to the power of concrete projects with real-world feedback. And part to the truly wild feeling one has in OSE (like a cowboy engineer, if you will) vs. fittng the products built into a college environment.

Tue Jun 22, 2021

  • Branched off (lost focus?) into reading the FB OSE Workshops -- I particularly was absorbed in reading the slides on EcoHome 2 and the method of panel construction. Many questions I had about how the panels assemble, such as the wiring runs and plumbing, were answered. The slides are a wonderful contribution to the world.

Mon June 21, 2021

  • Read the OSE Wiki articles on distributive enterprise, micro-factories, integrated persons, right of self-determination, and sharing of prosperity. These articles get at the philosophy behind OSE and are illuminating of the principles.
  • Marcin posed the pricing question to me of what level to price Open Source products that follow the principles of transparent manufacturing, reparability, disassembly, etc. The total cost of ownership vs the lifetime value must go into the answer. The key is to make some educated assumptions about repairability.
  • It might also be helpful to look historically at the progress of car technology and posit a 1940's open-source automobile as a thought experiment. How would its value have changed over time? Would it have been upgradeable? What would its useful life be? Could a 1941 car still be driveable? What would it take? If it had the safety upgrades over time, what would need to have been done? That thought experiment could be contrasted with something more mundane, like a vacuum cleaner from 1941. One of my ancestors, by the way, received a patent on a dust vacuum that was powered by operating a bellows tied to the rolling of the wheels, ca. 1911.

Sun Jun 20, 2021

  • Assembled and installed y and z axes, with help of heat gun.
  • instructions confused me, but could be helped by more pictures of the parts cleanly shown
  • Had to drill holes in the base to get the bolts right to match with pictures, drilled one of the holes off-center, and will fix by attaching through the base hole and idler hole, both, into the board base
  • Squared up axes to carriage by using heat gun on idler and motor mounts without motor attached
  • began the belt threading -- need to determine belt lengths prior to cutting

Sat Jun 19, 2021

  • testing different tools in OSE linux (I love this system -- clean, fast, easy to use, so many open source apps)

Fri Jun 18, 2021

  • downloaded OSE Linux 2.0, created USB boot stick, loaded onto dedicated laptop
  • heated some parts of D3D to align -- mostly testing, but it works quickly and well
  • thinking about the importance of the numeracy that Marcin talked about in D4D wrt storing energy in a super-saturated pressure vessel. Also, just the importance of knowing our engineering & physical laws to guide the best approaches to Open work.

Thu Jun 17, 2021

  • communicated with Marcin regarding OSE error on flash drive
  • researched heat guns at Lowes - Weller for $24.95 after viewing 4D printing on this wiki

Mon Jun 7, 2021

  • set up pc laptop with broken screen (connected to external monitor) for converting to linux
  • received printer in mail minus a few parts (expected from amazon)
  • could not find D3D Universal inventory list as a spreadsheet so made one from wiki page. Reconncile parts:


Tue Jun 1, 2021

brainstorm uses for the D3D and visit thingiverse.com; download Freecad on PC -- problems on Mac Big Sur prevented execution and had to be removed; biggest practical use seems build more D3D printers, create variety of tools for shop such as corner braces, bench dogs, clamps; but looking for more meaningful applications

Mon May 31, 2021

Read D3D Pro assembly instructions, but then saw the universal instructions (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VtukaPaT_3JcaUyZhQt-Q7Cz-bWjdQlizudmg00LbUs/edit#slide=id.g414d767b01_0_3) and read those. Confusion from placement of the links in the 3d printer shipping followup page.

Sun May 30, 2021

Created log. Worked on follow-up https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/3D_Printer_Shipping_Followup