Discussion of OSE Vision

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HintLightbulb.png Hint: The OSE vision is Colaborative Design for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance.


  • The starting premise is that - as spoken about open source software - with enough eyeballs on a problem - any bug is shallow
  • We believe that true collaboration means that we need to work less to get better results. If it takes as long or longer, and the results are not improved - that is not a good example of true collaboration.
  • Collaborative Literacy includes both the mindset and the skill set to cooperate.
  • Collaborative means sharing. Sharing means Sharing in the economic sense.
  • Collaborative is thus implied in open source - though most open source projects are not truly collaborative. Instead, the typical case is going off into a corner and then publishing, announcing a somewhat final result to the world. Nothing is final. So this recognition means that publishing should occur as soon as anything at all is available. This is a state that allows feedback and contributions by others throughout the process. Many will claim that that is inefficient. The task of the open source advocate is to create ways where room is left for useful feedback, and un-useful feedback is ignored.
  • Collaboration means high self-esteem - which accepts oneself, others, and is open to critique.


  • Transparency is related to rapid learning, and everyone having an opportunity to learn and grow so that the playing field is more even
  • Open source
  • Publish early and often
  • Self-esteem and a Growth Mindset is required to publish early and often


  • Includes all people
  • Includes nature - thus a central theme of OSE work is ecological regeneration
  • Eco means that we are not wasteful


  • Abundance is not essentially a physical state - it is essentially a mental state.
  • Abundance is more than prosperity. It is a Growth Mindset.
  • In designing products, abundance implies modular design - such as Incremental Housing or Incremental Tractors - and a Construction Set Approach.
  • To have abundance, we must be generous. The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not everyone's greed - Gandhi. The world has enough for everybody's need - but not enough - even for a single person's greed.
  • To have abundance, we cannot be wasteful. Abundance relies on wise stewardship of resources.
  • Abundance includes low cost, because this lowers barriers to entry
