Financial Process

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Process Design Introduction

  1. What? This process describes how all funds are generated, handled, accounted, documented, and communicated, and RACI Cubed.
  2. Why? To streamline bean-counting operations via procedural clarity for members of Factor e Farm team and remote collaborators, allowing OSE to Scale Like MacDonalds via training of distributive entrepreneurs - tehreby allowing a core focus on research and development of the open source economy. What efforts does it save? How does the process promote transparent operation, openness, and sound governance?
  3. Who? - Who is responsible/accountable/consulted/informed about the process? Use RACI Cubed.
  4. When? - Financial updates (revenue and expense reporting) are done on an ongoing fashion, reqiuring approximately 30 minutes of time per day for a $1M/year budget. Quarterly budgets require 4 hours 4 time per year. Strategic planning is extensive. Process evolution is ongoing. Monthly updates should take 1 hour per month.
  5. Links - What are all the relevant links to the working substance, documentation database, source, list, account information, etc. that allows somebody to execute the process? Note: make special provisions for private database
  6. Execution - Step by step procedure for executing process
  7. Documentation - Produce documentation by which anyone in the world can observe the results, see if the process is being executed, and learn how to execute the process itself if needed?


  • Radical Transparency
  • ongoing balance sheet updated 24 hours. Visible to Core Team. Shareable with outsiders on demand. Receipts in cabinet according to policy.
  • Monthly income and expenses. Visible to world.
  • True Fan Revenue - updated every month in a clearly visible graph
  • 10 Month Budget is visible. Budget Review Committee meets every 3 months.
  • Annual Reports Visible
  • Budget Rationale - $2.1M+Org Infrastructure
  • Prototyping Cost - Total prototyping money spent vs. number prototypes built. Goal: if the cost falls, that means we are succeeding at collaborative.mission-aligned development.
  • Core Project Efficiency (total expenditures vs. prototypes built)
  • Receipts saving policy
  • Document Retention Policy clear
  • Revenue generated from Product Sales.


Financial Controls Strategy

Financial controls include a broad range of issues related to the effective procurement and allocation of resources:

  • Effective and efficient development work
  • Radical Transparency
  • Radical Inclusion
  • fraud, property theft, embezzlement, contractual violations
  • legal battles
  • performance management of workers for effective generation of value
  • audit processes
  • structural checks and balances within processes
  • efficient organizational processes and structures
  • in-kind, barter, mentorship, collaborative, and other contributions that displace need for money
  • low overhead via import substitution

Financial Logic Model

Our core activity is producing machines that are 50x less expensive than industry standards compared to industry standards - via simplicity, lifetime design, modularity, and product ecology. Our change model relies on adoption of these tools as preferred choices based on their low cost to performance ratio - meeting or exceeding industry standards. This has widespread applications to any form of community or economic development, from the industrialized to the non-industrialized world.To generate the open source economy, we are starting with these 50 tools and moving forward towards cost reduction of living and working infrastructures for generating modern civilization - relying on such increase of efficiency via open source economic development - which we view as a route to increased innovation and reduced waste. We thus believe that the economy is evolving to efficiency in general - which is equivalent to open source. Thus, we see our work as that of optimizing production, innovation, education, and governance - where the latter is simply a matter of efficient process/structure of living/working infrastructures. This is under the assumption that open source reduces competive waste, increases innovation, and makes people more responsible by lowering barriers to effective information and techniques. The practical limit of open source economics involves autonomous infrastructures, truly collaborative product development (companies collaborate and generate a global repository of knowledge, obviating need for economic protectionism (patents, trade secrets) - and freedom of people from material constraints via democratization of production. This leaves a platform for people evolving past economics of scarcity to autonomy - which brings about a pursuit of mastery consistent with higher purpose.

In practical terms, our desire for financial controls is predicated on creating an efficient operating infrastructure - based on productivity and transparency - that makes the above scenario possible. We are a living experiment for the open source economy. Unlike former models of efficiency (fascism, communism, or pure capitalism), we are approaching from an ecological and integrated perspective on human enterprise - blending positive psychology, responsibility, transparency, and higher purpose in the mix.

Our goal is to replicate OSE facilies like MacDonalds in its first 20 years. See Strategic_Plan_2_Ambitious#Impact_Scaling_Strategy. For this to happen, autonomous operation, bootstrapping reproducibility, high social capital, and robust training infrastructures are reqiured. This starts with access to the generative technologies of the GVCS - and in particular - the OSE Microfactory components - which allow an OSE Incubator to be replicated for about $100k in materials + 1 year of time for an enterprise facility of 12 people. This does not include land costs, which are planned on being secured via OSE's social capital as part of worldwide repository of sites of human heritage.

