CNC Torch Table v19.10
CAD 1" Universal Axis - 3 Pieces
Update to final assembly, includes two Y axis. FreeCAD at Github -[1]
Final assembly of CNC torch table. FreeCAD at Gitlab -[2]
Assembly of Z axis with gas solenoids. Gitlab - [3]. Wiki - File:Torch head.fcstd
File:YAxisAssembly.FCStd - Assembly of Y axis
File:Cnctorchidlerassy.fcstd Idler assembly for final assembly via merge workflow.
File:1inchshaft.fcstd One inch front side shaft.
608 skateboard 8x22x7 mm Bearing. Download - File:608Bearing.FCStd
Flange for 608 bearing. Download - File:BearingFlange.FCStd
Bushing for Flanged bearing. Download - File:BearingBushing.FCStd- Torchidlerbolt.png
Bolt for CNC torch table idler to frame attachment. Download - File:608Bearing.FCStd
Stock tubing library. Download - File:FreeCAD Tubing Library.tar.gz. See more information at Quarter Inch Stock Tubing
Parametric 4x4 tubing - File:4x4Tube.FCStd.
End Plug to join Idler to 4x4 tubing - File:EndPlug.FCStd.
File:Nema23motor.fcstdNema 23 motor.
File:CNC Torch 1708 Motor interface.fcstd. STL for printing - File:CNC Torch 1708 motorside.stl
File:CNC Torch 1in carriage module.fcstd Has the shortened and longer printed piece.
File:Cnc torch idler v19 10.fcstd Idler with full carriage contact. STL - File:Cnc torch idler v19 10.stl
File:Torch.fcstd Torch Handle.
File:Torch tip.fcstd Torch Handle.
File:Torch handle only.fcstd Torch Handle.
File:Cnc torch carriage v19 10.fcstd - carriage with nut catchers in top and bottom. STL - File:Cnc torch carriage v19 10.stl
Peg for 15mm G2 belt - File:Cnc peg 15mm belt v19 10.fcstd - STL - File:Cnc peg 15mm belt v19 10.stl
File:IdlerShort.FCStd - Short Idler to take flanged bearing. Short Idler STL - File:IdlerShort.stl
Half carriage for auto alignment - File:Cnc torch half carriage v19 10.fcstd - STL - File:Cnc torch half carriage v19 10.stl
Igniter for acetylene cut torch
FreeCAD - File:Igniter.fcstdEM valve for acetylene and oxygen
FreeCAD - File:Fl 205 cut of solenoid.fcstd1/4" Plug.
FreeCAD - File:Quarterplug.stlIdler wheel.
FreeCAD - File:Idler belt wheel.fcstd
STL - File:Idler belt wheel.stl
Control Panel - FreeCAD -File:Controlpanel v1904.fcstd. Bent panel STL - File:Bentpanel v1904.stl
D3D v19.04 Power Supply - FreeCAD -File:Powersupply v1904.fcstd
RAMPS 1.4 - FreeCAD -File:RAMPS14 v1904.fcstd. Full detailed file - 4MB - [4]
Stepper driver - FreeCAD -File:Stepperdriver v1904.fcstd. File for detailed LCD controller and endstop can be found at [5]
Solid state relay - FreeCAD -File:Ssr v1904.fcstd. Source: [6]. See Fotek SSR. Dimensions verified with Amazon source.
Reprap Discount Smart Controller - FreeCAD -File:Smartcontroller v1904.fcstd. Source: [7].
Ground Fault Connection Interrupt (GFCI) outlet - FreeCAD -File:Gfci v1904.fcstd. CAD source at McMaster Carr: [8]. May not represent actual GFCI.
File:Tb6600.fcstd Toshiba 6600 stepper driver. Source: [9]
12V Power Supply for gas solenoids and steppers. File:12Vps.fcstd.
Auxiliary control panel. File:Auxcontrolpanel.fcstd. STL - File:Auxcontrolpanel.stl
Universal Controller Automation
Concept Video Walk-Through
- Handle - [10]
- Impco FL-205-1 valves - [11]
- Impco Et98-52295 valves - [12]
- Brass 90° Elbow 1/4" NPT Male to Female - [13]
- 40 micron Inline Gas Filter - [14][15]
- Idler Bearing - [16]
- Spring steel - 0.049" - [17] and 0.075" - [18]
- Split Wire Loom - 1.5"
- Angle barb - 1/4" - [19]
Download firmware: File:Marlin
- To use no temperature sensors, set max temps to 500 and jumper the thermistor pin pairs. Jumpering sets temp to max, which is 358C. Result: does not work. MAXTEMP error is still triggered.
- So instead in Configuration.h:
- define HEATER_0_MINTEMP -1
- define BED_MINTEMP -1
This works. Without thermistors, RAMPS reads 0C. Set the minimum below that, and MINTEMP ERROR is avoided.
X axis, carriage, end plug for hanging 1" Universal Axis around 4"x4" steel tube:
- Torch Table Genealogy
- Universal Axis
- Universal Controller
- Chris Bassett Log - gas control on 2013 version