GVCS Web Strategy
The present web infrastructure includes wiki, blog, microblogs, forums, civiCRM, opensourceecology.org (forthcoming by end of Feb), Open Pario repository, and floing.org as a close ally.
General Strategy
See also Web Collaboration Strategy
The project consists of 50 tools under development. There are 5 roles for each project defined in the GVCS Development Template. GVCS Master Index shows the status of all.
For resource development (see GVCS Resource Development Strategy0 and for organizing a Development Team, CiviCRM is sufficient as a powerful databasing tool.
The simnplest web strategy for 50/2/2 appears to be, meaning GVCS completion by 2012 year end, including on-demand ability to absorb new people, is:
- General Contact Qeustions (team of Elifarley, Julia, Marcin, Lucas, William, Adam Mitchell) filtered to GVCS Forums
- GVCS Forums absorb everyone; everyone takes the Crash Course. Forum moderators filter discussion into GVCS Technical Forums after people fill in Team Culturing information
- Simple explainer site, http://opensourceecology.org
- GVCS Master Index on wiki
- Wiki for GVCS Development Template for all 50 projects (1500 pages)
- Wiki for Product Template for all 50 projects (500 pages)
- Keeping track of all contacts in the GVCS CiviCRM
Besides this, it's all about getting a team together, and funding to support
The main task is not Web Infrastructure - but recruiting team members. The above absorbs new people, and hopefully serves to filter meaningful content.
So the only tools above are Wiki, phone, Forum, CiviCRM. Timelines are too difficult to predict, as they rely on funding being secured and project leaders being recruited. Funders vote with their wallets for the respective projects, and the Resource Developer pays herself for full-time work on a contingency basis, as described Donations are votes with peoples' wallets - as we request people to fund whatever project, according to GVCS Development Prioritization. We can put up a relative calendar, which says what happens at what time after a certain milestone is met.
Password Maintenance
We should store sensitive information (account information like logins and passwords) in an encrypted file.
My suggestion is to use these tools, which share the same encrypted file format and can be used under Linux, Windows and other operating systems:
They also allow you to store files inside its encrypted data file, and everything is kept encrypted (not only the passwords themselves, but also any username, text notes, attached files, and so on).