Onboarding Assessment
To succeed at OSE, one must have unlimited willingness to learn fueled by purpose and moral intelligence; collaborative tactics; an inclusive approach; and work on developing an abundance mindset. Our goal is to practice this in theory and tactics. Your project refers to the specific project/s you take on by building on OSE's work - both in the short and long term. We think big picture, and create tactics based on the big picture.
- How much time do you have to commit to the development of your chosen project? (ie, what job, responsibilities, time commitments do you already have which you will have to do before you engage in your project)?
- How long could you sustain your development effort prior to revenue? For example, in the worst case scenario of innumerable unforeseen events which prevented you from reaching the point of revenue generation, if it took way longer than was ever reasonably predicted - could you sustain your effort as long as it takes or would you have to pivot? We should have clarity on this question because it can help us match the expected prepration/development tasks to the available time. Please start on this question by thinking about a task list for preparing for a first workshop in as much detail as possible, as part of this question.
- What do you see as the potential of the modular, Construction Set Approach for building things?
- How would you propose to implement 'lifetime design'? Discuss some of the key, specific features of your project that would express the 'lifetime design' philosophy. Think about what it would take to offer a 'lifetime design warranty' - point to some details of how you envision that this could this be implemented in a sustainable way?
- Why did you choose to pursue the OSE product as opposed to the numerous other options out there? Clarify what you see as the value and unique value proposition of our work, compared to other options.
- What are your revenue goals for the first stage and afterwards? Once you have obtained a 'sustainable enterprise' - what revenue and net revenue would you like that to be for you? Provide your goals and the time within which you would like to achieve these goals. How would you see that growing in the years to come?
- How do you envision implementing the collaborative and swarm-based development and production aspects of OSE in your project?
- Describe how you would like your company to look and behave once you have attained the status of Distributive Enterprise. Such as - what are you and your team doing, whom are you serving, what products do you have, how is your enterprise growing and providing unique value, what is your day-to-day, what are your prospects for the future), what are you thinking and feeling?
- What do you consider to be Pressing World Issues in today's world? Describe how you are or how you would like to contribute to solving them. Discuss your goals for 'making a better world' in as much detail as you like.
- OSE follows the principles of Good to Great. The core message is that anyone has a choice to develop the discipline to become great, because there is so much good work needed to be done. And in order to solve difficult problems, one needs great capacity. General acceptance of what is already 'good' keeps the world in a state of immense societal/industrial inertia - ie, stuck without adapting to the times. But, becoming great is not easy, and most people do not choose this route. What are your thoughts on being good vs great?
- Take a look at the 4 Zones of Possibility. Discuss what these are for you, with respect to your specific OSE involvement, and in your life in general.
- Take a look at the Edge of Knowledge concept. Is there any way you can contribute to the 1000 hour curriculum?
- Take a look at the concept of Level 6 Leadership. Have you ever considered or would you be interested in considering becoming a Level 6 Leader?
- At the end of your life, what would you consider as goals achieved of a life worth living, by whichever metric you consider important?