OpenVPN is the VPN solution of choice used by OSE.
The server (and client) configs for OpenVPN should be hardened for security. For example, the admin should investigate the time-appropriate choices the following factors:
- server & client RSA key sizes
- DH params key size
- cipher (for data channel)
- tls-cipher (for control channel)
- tls-version-min
- For notes on how OpenVPN was hardened for the OSE Development Server in 2019, see Maltfield_Log/2019_Q3#Mon_Sep_09.2C_2019 and Maltfield_Log/2019_Q4#Mon_Dec_02.2C_2019 for adding 2FA support
Important Files & Directories
For more information about our openvpn configuration, please see the following files & directories on the server:
/etc/openvpn/ /usr/share/easy-rsa/3/pki/